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英语翻译Doing soappears to be uncommon,however.A recent study fo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 04:04:38
Doing soappears to be uncommon,however.A recent study found that managers tended torely on supply-based attributes (i.e.,what companies sell) in identifyingcompetitors,rather than demand- or customer need-based attribute (i.e.,whatcustomers need).Further,managers tend to identify too few firms as competitorsand are especially likely to omit new firms or potential competitors.Storiesof experienced managers who “know their business and are surprised by thesudden emergence of a new competitor that operates in a different way arelegion.For an example of how firms create new market space not bound by oldindustry definitions,see Exhibit 4.1
Exhibit4.1 Creating New Market Space
W.Chan Kimand Renee Mauborgne argue that one way to avoid cutthroat,head-to-headcompetition,in rapidly growing markets as well as those that are flat orgrowing slowly,is to find new “market space,” as they call it,that defiesconventional boundaries of industry competition.By looking across substituteindustries or to complementary product and service offerings that go beyongdwhat an industry has traditionally offered,companies can rethink thefunctional and emotional orientation of their industry and help shape industrytrends to their own advantage.Cisco Systems created new market space in thisway when it recognized that doubling of the number of Internet users every 100days was creating demand for high-speed data exchange that was not beingadequately served by existing industries.Today,more than 80 percent of alltraffic on the Internet flows through Cisco’s routers,switches,and othernetwork devices,on which Cisco’s earns margins in the 60 percent range.Creating new market space can be attractive,indeed!
Source:W.Chan Kimand Renee Mauborgne,Creating New Market Space,” Harvard Business Review.January-February 1999,pp.83-93
Asconsumers and business people t\have become hooked on cell phones,the marketfor mobile communication has grown rapidly.By most measures,this is a large,growing,and attractive market.But are sell phone manufacturing and cellularservices attractive industries?An industry’s attractiveness at a point in timecan best be judged by analyzing its driving forces,its critical successfactors and the degree to which a management team can perform on these factors,and especially the five major competitive forces:rivalry among presentcompetitors,potential competitors,the bargaining power of suppliers,thebargaining power of buyers,and the threat of substitute products.
英语翻译Doing soappears to be uncommon,however.A recent study fo
Doing so appears to be uncommon,however.
A recent study found that managers tended torely on supply-based attributes (i.e.,what companies sell) in identifyingcompetitors,rather than demand- or customer need-based attribute (i.e.,whatcustomers need).
Further,managers tend to identify too few firms as competitors and are especially likely to omit new firms or potential competitors.
Stories of experienced managers who “know their business and are surprised by the sudden emergence of a new competitor that operates in a different way are legion.
For an example of how firms create new market space not bound by old industry definitions,see Exhibit 4.1
Exhibit4.1 Creating New Market Space
W.Chan Kimand Renee Mauborgne argue that one way to avoid cutthroat,head-to-head competition,in rapidly growing markets as well as those that are flat orgrowing slowly,is to find new “market space,”
W.Chan Kimand Renee Mauborgne 认为在急速成长的以及那些平稳或者成长缓慢的市场避免残酷的白刃化竞争的方法是发现新的“市场空间”.
as they call it,that defies conventional boundaries of industry competition.
By looking across substitute industries or to complementary product and service offerings that go beyong what an industry has traditionally offered,companies can rethink the functional and emotional orientation of their industry and help shape industry trends to their own advantage.
Cisco Systems created new market space in this way when it recognized that doubling of the number of Internet users every 100 days was creating demand for high-speed data exchange that was not being adequately served by existing industries.
Today,more than 80 percent of all traffic on the Internet flows through Cisco’s routers,switches,and other network devices,on which Cisco’s earns margins in the 60 percent range.
Creating new market space can be attractive,indeed!
Source:W.Chan Kimand Renee Mauborgne,Creating New Market Space,” Harvard Business Review.January-February 1999,pp.83-93
来源:1999 1-2月《哈佛商业评论》W.Chan Kimand Renee Mauborgne《创造新的市场空间》 ,83-93页
As consumers and business people have become hooked on cell phones,the market for mobile communication has grown rapidly.
By most measures,this is a large,growing,and attractive market.
But are sell phone manufacturing and cellular services attractive industries?
An industry’s attractiveness at a point in time can best be judged by analyzing its driving forces,its critical success factors and the degree to which a management team can perform on these factors,and especially the five major competitive forces:
rivalry among present competitors,potential competitors,the bargaining power of suppliers,the bargaining power of buyers,and the threat of substitute products.