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英语翻译Filling cabinet:how many drawers do you want?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 09:32:59
Filling cabinet:how many drawers do you want?
英语翻译Filling cabinet:how many drawers do you want?
再问: Man: He asked for some green photocopy paper but unfortunately our supp;iers have said that the colour that he ordered were not available at the moment. They can only send the required colour on Friday. Can you ask Mr. Smith if he'll change the colour or just wait? Woman: OK. Is there anything else? Man: Oh yes, it's about the number of the drawers. He didn't make it quite clear.
再答: 男:他想要一些绿色的复印纸,但是不巧,我们的供应人员说哪种颜色现在没有。他们周五才能送到。 你可以问问史密斯先生他是否可以选其他颜色还是要等呢? 女: 好的,还有其他的的吗? 男: 哦,是的。 关于抽屉的数目。他不是特别清楚。 (我认为,他们需要讲复印纸放入抽屉,问抽屉的数量也好知道需要订多少复印纸。估计他们的复印机和我们的不同,可以有多个抽屉的那种。这句话和上面的肯定是说一件事,跳跃得不可能说成两件事。) 希望对你有帮助。