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蛋白质 翻译为什么从氮端到碳端

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 13:16:18
蛋白质 翻译为什么从氮端到碳端
蛋白质 翻译为什么从氮端到碳端
Facts about DNA 关于DNA的要素 Shape:double helix-(twisted ladder) 形状:双螺旋-(扭曲的梯子形) Number of strands:2 股数:2 Nitrogenous bases:A (adenine) T (thymine) G (guanine) C (cytosine) 氮基:A(腺嘌呤)T(胸腺嘧啶)G(鸟嘌呤)(核酸的基本成分)C(胞嘧啶) Five-carbon sugar:deoxyribose 五碳糖(碳链为5):脱氧核糖核酸 How the nitrogenous bases match up:A-T C-G 氮基是如何搭配的:A-T C-G Function:to make up genes-holds instructions to make proteins (including enzymes that promote chemical reactions) 功能:把携带遗传信息的基因组成蛋白质(包括参加化学反应的消化酶) Facts about RNA 关于RNA的要素 Shape:single helix and other shapes (many shapes) 形状:单螺旋和其它形状(多种形状) Number of strands:1 股数:1 Nitrogenous bases:A G C U (uracil) 氮基:A G C U(尿嘧啶) Five-carbon sugar:ribose 五碳糖:核糖核酸 How the nitrogenous bases match up:A-U C-G 氮基是如何搭配的:A-U C-G Function:carry instructions from DNA to where proteins are made and help make proteins (carry protein instructions from DNA to ribosome) 功能:从生产蛋白质的DNA提取遗传信息并且协助制造蛋白质(从DNA携带蛋白质遗传信息到核酸糖小体) DNA replication DNA再造 DNA replication =when DNA makes an exact copy of itself *Necessary part of chromosome replication during interphase in preparation for mitosis and meiosis DNA再造=DNA自身制造出一个精确复本 对细胞分裂期间为细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂作准备的染色体再造的必要部分 Steps of DNA replication:1.enzymes untwist the double helix DNA再造步骤:1 酶朝相反方向将双螺旋分解 2.The 2 strands of DNA separate or “unzip” due to the enzymes breaking bonds between the bases 2 DNA的两股螺旋分开或者"拉开"由于酶把氮基之间的化学键破坏 3.Free nucleotides from the cytoplasm enter the nucleus,where they bond to the bases on the separate DNA strands 3 在细胞质中活动的核苷酸进入细胞核,他们在单股DNA螺旋上的氮基重新绑定 4.2 complete DNA molecules are formed 4 两个DNA分子形成