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The military has banned public gatherings of five or more pe

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 07:28:06
The military has banned public gatherings of five or more people.An exception isWednesday's army-backed entertainment-filled rally supporting the coup.请问这句中filled是什么意思,是什么用法.
He says after his release he was called by an army colonel requesting he refrain from criticizingthe coup on Twitter.中“requesting he refrain”requesting是动词,怎么后面跟 he refrain呢?refrain不也是动词吗?
“He said the junta leader,General Prayuth,just needs time to sort of put the house in orderand if I could stop tweeting,for a while," he said.sort of put 是什么用法?sort of 怎么直接跟动词?
That is making it relatively easy and instantaneous to organize pockets of publicdefiance to the coup.这句话怎么翻译?
The military has banned public gatherings of five or more pe
2.request sb to do sth,不应该是requesting him to refrain吗?这里的requesting修饰the colonel,相当于a colonel that he request

再问: entertainment-filled 中间有个链接杠 说明这两个是个词组性质的,怎么翻译呢?

request sb to do sth 原句中分明没有to啊。
sort of在这里怎么翻译?
再答: entertainment-filled 不会意思没看到,那就是充满娱乐的
第二个我是这样理解的,如有不对请大神解答多少,...只是需要时间多少把...处理一下Put one's house in order从字面来看是整理自己的住房,但是习惯用语put one's house in order意思要广泛得多,不局限于房子。我们来听个例子。说的是一位相当顾家的叔叔对身后的遗产作出妥善安排,以免却亲人在他去世后理财的烦恼。例句-1:Before he died Uncle Bob put his house in order; he paid all his debts, and left his insurance policies, his will, and other important papers in a big envelope on his wife's desk.原来Bob叔叔在去世前付清了所有的欠款,还把他的保险单、遗嘱和其它重要文件都归总放在他太太书桌上的一只大信封里。这位叔叔所做的显然都是清理个人财务的事情,不直接关系到房子,可见这里的习惯用语put one's house in order泛指清理个人事务。******Put one's house in order有时也可以用来说非个人的事务。我们再听个例子,说话的人是纽约一家公司设在芝加哥的办公室的经理。他正在动员手下工作人员积极准备,迎接纽约总部的领导人来访。例句-2:We have to put the house in order in two days: I want desks clean, the whole place looking good. And we need our accounts balanced up to date by five o'clock tomorrow afternoon.他要求大家把办公桌整理干净,使整个办公室显得整洁美观。然后还要大家在明天下午五点前把最近的帐目都结清。显然这一切不是他的私人事务,都是在整顿公司的业务以弥补过去的疏忽之处。这就是put the house in order这个习惯用语的第二种意思。****** 

再问: requesting he refrain怎么是这种表达方式呢?不应该是requesting he to refrain吗?to可以省略吗?

just needs time to sort of put sort of 后面怎么是动词呢?
再答: 我所了解的用法就是request sb to do,这只是VOA转述一名泰国记者的话,也许不太正式,你要实在想纠结到底就找你老师或一个米国人问一下吧,省略词组中to的用法就那几种,反正就我高中所学到的语法不知道干嘛这好端端的干嘛要省略。。。
我已经特别标明了,sort of有adv用法 这句话翻译为:他说军政府巴渝将军恰好需要时间多少让国家恢复秩序这里作偏口语的用法