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英语翻译7000069=Josh Steen7000070=Josh7000071=The eccentric inve

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 06:37:49
7000069=Josh Steen
7000071=The eccentric inventor is working meticulously on behalf of the Eden Initiative on the completion of a new prototype Eden former.However,it appears that there are powers in the shadows which want to prevent that at all cost
7001000= Automation
7001002= Converter upgrade
7001003=Construction plan:
7001004=Construction plan:
7001007= Converter Upgrade
7001013= package
7001014=The development package
7001015=Eden series package
7001016=The Eden Project complete package
Josh's pioneering new discovery.This package includes:
7001020=Improves all type Buildings on your Island.
7001021= Influence area increased
7001022= Energy consumption reduced
Energy consumption reduced
7000056= asks your help in building the former.
7000057= is overjoyed,now that the former has finally gone into operation.
7000058=Assist in the construction of the first Eden former.
7000059=Thanks to your active support,the inventor has regained his memories of the technology behind the former.He immediately begins to develop a new prototype,but progress comes to an abrupt stop when it becomes clear that many of the required construction materials cannot be imported.
7000066= asks you to help him redevelop the former technology.
7000067=is overjoyed that the first Eden former has finally gone into operation.
7000072= is under attack!
7000050=Help the inventor to regain his memory.
7000051=The ingenious inventor was in the process of delivering the first working prototype of an Eden Former to Yana Rodriguez when he was suddenly attacked by persons unknown.He miraculously survived the attack.However,the former itself was destroyed,and its inventor is now suffering from amnesia.Scenario objectives:- Help regain his memory.- Find his attackers
英语翻译7000069=Josh Steen7000070=Josh7000071=The eccentric inve
7000069 =乔希·
7000070 =杰克
7000071 =古怪的发明家正在精心代表伊甸园计划完成一个新的原型伊甸园前.然而,似乎有权力的影子,想阻止,不惜一切代价
7001000 =自动化
7001001 =high-perform.纤维
7001002 =转换升级
7001003 =建设计划:
7001004 =建设计划:
7001005 =自动化
7001006 =high-perform.纤维
7001007 =转换升级
7001014 =开发包
7001015 =伊甸园系列包装
7001016 =伊甸园项目完整包
7001020 =提高所有类型建筑物的岛.
7001021 =影响面积增加
7001022 =降低能耗
7000057 =喜出望外的是,现在,前者最后投产.
7000058 =协助建设第一伊甸园前.
7000059 =感谢您的积极支持,发明家已经恢复他的记忆背后的技术前.他立即开始开发一种新的原型,但进展来突然停止当它变得清楚,许多所需建筑材料不能进口.
7000067 =喜出望外的是,最初的伊甸园前终于投产.
7000072 =是受到攻击!
7000050 =帮助发明人恢复他的记忆.
7000051 =巧妙的发明者的过程中提供的第一个工作原型的伊甸园前亚纳罗德里格兹当他突然遭到不明人士.他奇迹般地幸存的攻击.然而,前者本身被破坏,其发明者是现在患有健忘症.剧本目标:-帮助恢复他的记忆.-找到他的攻击