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英语选择1.We prefer that each new student ____ this course.A tak

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 15:15:51
1.We prefer that each new student ____ this course.
A take B takes
2.It is high time the city we live in ____ more parks for its inhabitants.
A building B built
3.Happiness ____ good health.
A consists in B consists of
3.Not until we have lost our health ___ its value.
A do we know B did we know
4.Bob told me that he had got his master's degree ___
A two years before B two years ago C fot two years
5.When will the new law ____?
A effect B come into effect
英语选择1.We prefer that each new student ____ this course.A tak
1.prefer that从句中动词用原形
2.固定句型:It's high time that+do请牢记
3.请区分consist of sth由某事物组成或构成
consist in sth以某事物为其主要的或唯一的因素或特点;存在于某事物中
4.had got为过去完成时,即在过去的过去已经完成,所以选A
若题目为have got现在完成时,则选C\
5.本题考查对词组的理解,请记住come into effect 是尤指法律\规则等实行实施