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《英语与成功》的英语作文 我先写了一篇汉语的,不知道写的怎么样,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 19:28:21
《英语与成功》的英语作文 我先写了一篇汉语的,不知道写的怎么样,
成功,对不同得人来会所有着不同的意义,而对于我来说,成功是指实现我们的梦想,然而,我的梦想就是英语,英语是我最喜欢的科目,我不能保证我能把它学的很精,但至少我有足够热爱它的那份心情,单凭这一点,我就相信我一定会把它学好.好,就以为着成功,敢问,谁不想成功呢,可说起来容易 做起来难,都说英语不容易学,那我怎么做才会成功呢?有人说,成功主要是靠机会.
《英语与成功》的英语作文 我先写了一篇汉语的,不知道写的怎么样,
Success has different meanings to different people. To me, success is realization of my dream and my dream is learning English. English is the subject I favour the most. I can’t guarantee that I will excel it. But my passion towards it is enough to get me to learn well.
Doing well means being successful. Who doesn’t want to be successful? But success is easily being said than being done. People all say that English is not easy. How should I do? Someone says that success depends on opportunity. But opportunity often comes and goes and we cannot count on it. We have to spend more time and pay more effort into study in order to be successful. There is a saying: “ No pain, no gain.” You cannot get return if you don’t pay. This rule applies to English study, too. In short, English is not hard. It’s up you. Your mentality decides the reality. Do you believe this? I do. I hope that everybody has the same believe like I have about English study. Believe it, you will be successful.
Learn English and be successful. You can do it. Let’s do it together!