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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 05:33:12
海禁政策是ban on maritime trade policy 倭寇是Japanese pirates 一定要语法正确 软件翻译的就不要来凑热闹了
There has always been controversial about the reason of suffering from Japanese pirates
in the medium-term of the Ming Dynasty in academia.
We must analyzed the internal situation of the Ming Dynasty and Japan's domestic
stituation in the same period if you want to explore the reason of suffering from
Japanese pirates in this period.
It's not the only reason that Mid - Ming Dynasty rulers enforce strict ban on maritime trade policy for the suffering from Japanese pirates,and also that Japan's domestic environment in this period, the Ming government's corruption and degeneration .
再问: 哥们 我没说你是软件翻译的 是让软件翻译的不要来凑热闹 我就是要求那个海禁政策还有倭患根据我上面的单词翻译
再答: 我已经修改过了