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Topic:The advantages of the Internet outweigh disavantages.写

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 02:16:26
Topic:The advantages of the Internet outweigh disavantages.写一篇文章.
Topic:The advantages of the Internet outweigh disavantages.写
in this age of technology,the use of internet is phenomenal.it had developed from a thing that exists,to a way of life,an aspect of our world.it is because of it's importance and wide use,that it arouse debates.However the advantage of the internet outweighs disadvantage.this is because of the convenience it provides,the speed of it and the fact that it makes communication easy.
firstly,it makes life much more convenient.people can see the world,complete tasks from the computer of their home.everything can be done over the internet,from bank transactions to the daily grocery shopping.it makes living easier and more convenient.as many would say,internet is stopping people from exercising and going out doors because of the convince it provides and people no longer need to go out to complete tasks.however,it is not the internet that is stopping people from exercising,it is the people them selves,it merely give people more time.which in fact helps people doing exercise.it provides people ore time to complete more tasks and thus create time to go outdoors or do exercise.
Thus,in terms on convenience,the advantage over weight the negative impact it has.
secondly,it is fast.which increase the efficiency of things.information on the internet is the most up to date.tasks completed over the internet is the fastest.yet it is not only for small things like everyday use,but also for things that are of great importance,take organ donation for example.say someone who needed a kidney immediately and someone from the other side of the world suddenly decided to donate a kidney.internet will connect the two and save a life.while without the internet this life may be lost.from this it is not hard to see the internet possess more advantages.
Lastly,internet betters our communication.it brings our world closer and help us reach out.because of it wide use,it is the best way to get across a large amount of people.take new for instance,while newspaper and TV have time of release and broadcast,the internet is immediate.in which case others may say it also give opportunity for false information to be leaked,but the thing is,false information can be leaked every where,rumors didn't only start when internet was invented.internet also better communication between people,on the internet ,on can meet people form all over the world,or simply contact a close friend.which ever it is,it increase the communication between people.many would argue that internet is stopping people form communicating with each other because it is all virtual.this is not true.in fact it better communication by far.it provide a way to communication,just like cars is a transportation,internet is the transportation of communication,it makes connection more conveniently and fast.From this we can see,that the advantage of internet out weights the disadvantage.
internet,this wonderful invention has too many advantages to list one by one.it is with no doubts that it's advantage outweighs the disadvantages.
啊哈哈,这个可是100%原创哦!我很用心写的!因为这个题目,不光是需要写正面影响,还要写反面影响,然后反驳反面,从而体现出正面outweights 反面!