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求贾老板和jay-z的holy grail(圣杯)里面jay-z唱的部分.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 14:29:29
求贾老板和jay-z的holy grail(圣杯)里面jay-z唱的部分.
求贾老板和jay-z的holy grail(圣杯)里面jay-z唱的部分.
And Baby 宝贝 It's amazing I'm in this maze with you 不可思议的是 我为你陷落迷津 I just can't crack the code 我看不穿 One day you screaming you love me loud 有天你尖叫着爱我 The next day you're so cold 隔天却冷若寒冰 One day you here,one day you there,one day you care 你一时在这 一时在那 一时在乎 You're so unfair sipping from the cup 你如此不公 端(圣)杯酌饮 Till it runneth over,Holy Grail 享受至极 圣杯 Blue told me to remind you niggas Blue(女儿)让我提醒你们黑鬼 Fuck that shit y'all talk about 去他的 你们说的都是废话 I'm the nigga,caught up in all these lights and cameras 我就是那黑鬼 交织在灯光与镜头间 But look what that shit did to Hammer 可是 瞧这东西对Hammer(红极一时的黑人歌手,最终破产)做了什么 God damn it I like it 该死 我就是喜欢这样 The bright lights is enticing 强光如此诱惑 But look what it did to Tyson 可是 瞧它对Tyson做了什么 All that money in one night 一夜暴富 30 mill for one fight 一场拳击换下三千万美元 But soon as all the money blows 但只要钱财不再 All the pigeons take flight 白鸽自是逃离(鸽子是Tyson的挚爱) Fuck the fame,keep cheating on me 该死的名声 一再出卖着我 What I do,I took her back,fool me twice 而我却把她带回身边 一再愚弄自己 That's my bad,I can't even blame her for that 都是我的错 我无法责怪她 Enough to make me wanna murder 这足以让我想谋杀 Momma please just get my bail 妈妈帮我保释吧 I know nobody to blame 没有人可以怪罪 Kurt Cobain,I did it to myself 我对着自己Kurt Cobain(摇滚歌手,自杀身亡) And we all just entertainers 我们只是艺人 And we're stupid,and contagious 我们愚钝 我们蔓延 And we all just entertainers 我们只是艺人 Now I got tattoos on my body 我带着纹身 Psycho bitches in my lobby 休息室有神经质的婊子 I got haters in the paper 报纸上有恨我的人 Photo shoots with paparazzi 和狗仔同照 Can't even take my daughter for a walk 却无法带女儿散步 See them by the corner store 在街角店遇见他们 I feel like I'm cornered off 我只觉被逼至绝路 Enough is enough 够了 I'm calling this off 我叫停 Who the fuck I'm kidding though?我他妈在开谁的玩笑?I'm getting high 我正过瘾 Sitting low 低坐着 Sliding by 滑过人群 In that big body 在那硕大的车身里 Curtains all in my window 帷幕紧闭 This fame hurt 名声伤人 But this chain works 可这枷锁有效 I think back 我回想 You asked the same person 你曾问同一个人 If this is all you had to deal with 这就是你要面对的一切吗 Nigga deal with it,this shit ain't work 黑鬼处理好它 这东西没用 This light work 而灯光奏效 Camera snapping,my eyes hurt 镜头猛闪 刺痛了我的眼睛 Nigga dying back where I was birthed 黑鬼在出生之地渐渐死去 Fuck your iris and IRS 去他的虹膜 干你的国税局 Get the hell up off of your high horse 别给我高高在上 You got the shit that nigga die for 你们有黑鬼想要的玩意 Dry yours 别玩假慈悲(应该和crocodile tears有关 译者揣测的 欢迎讨论) Why you mad 为什么生气 Take the good with the bad 学着把好坏一并承受 Don't throw that baby out with the bath water 坏事里总有好事 You're still alive 你还活着 Still that nigga 你还是那个黑鬼 You survived 你存活了过来 You still getting bigger nigga 黑鬼 你还在成长 Living the life 生活着 Vanilla wafers 香草味酥饼 In a villa 在郊区别墅 Illest nigga alive 病态黑鬼存活着 Michael Jackson thriller MJ的惊悚片 Bridge You get the air of my lungs whenever you need it 只要你想 你可以随时让我窒息 take the blade right out of my heart just so you can watch me bleeding 将利刃从我的心口拔出 只为看我血流不止 i still don't know why 我却依然不知 yea and you play this game in spite to drive me insane 而你如此游戏 只为让我发狂 i got it tatooed on my sleeve forever in ink with guess who's name 我将之纹身于袖 在永远的墨色下 猜猜是谁的名字 but i still don't know why 我却依然不知 our love is so much 为何我们的爱如此深厚