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求修改英语作文一篇Have you ever lost an important basketball game due

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 16:19:45
Have you ever lost an important basketball game due to limited preparation?Have you ever won the sports champion after many times failures?Have you ever done well in a basketball team because of your great interests?If you have never had such experiences,you would never know how many lessons about the life that playing sports could teach you.When asked whether playing sports benefits me a lot or not,I would say “by all means”.
First and foremost,playing sports let me know that we should never fight without good preparation.Two years ago,I joined the basketball team in our school and attended a lot of games.In the tournament of our university,our team did very good in the first six games and won the opportunity to participate the final against the team of another school.Before the final,we obtained the information that three of the best players in the team that we would face in the final are seriously ill due to food poisoning.Because of that,we all slacked the preparation and deemed that we could win the final without paying too much effort.However,the result was that we lost the final for our unforgiveable negligence,which made all the members in our team feel very regret and frustrated.From that time,I began to know that how important the good preparation is for us,which playing sports told me.
What is more,it can be learned from playing sports that failures are the mother of success.It is always said that people would never success before failures again and again.Some people may consider that it is such a terrible situation and so unfair for a man who is eager for success; however,is it really so unfair or terrible?In my opinion,the answer should be and actually always be “No”.In the first place,maybe offered us by the God,failure is a kind of great treasure from which we can be blessed with lots of useful points and helpful truth.In addition,enduring the pain and the setback failure gives us,to some extent,is a valuable experience,with which we will never fear anything after but the fear itself.As has been discussed above,we can find that failure is the source of success.
Last of all,people can aware that interest is the best teacher.It is commonly found that nearly no people can become success without interest.Take Jordan for examples,no one would doubt the achievement of Jordan in the area of basketball.Many people take diligence or team working spirit as the most important reason why Jordan can make his huge success; however,from my angle,interest contributes most.Suppose that Jordan does not enjoy the game,will he practices with enough energy,and will he takes basketball as his life?I believe that most of people would say:that is impossible!So,as far as I am concerned,without interest we can do nothing well,which Jordan can tell us,and which playing sports can teach us.
你是否同意以下论述,pla*yin*g spo*rts tea*che*s p*eo*pl*e m*o*re le*ss*on*s ab*out the li*fe.
Although it cannot be denied that playing sports is never without its demerits such as being easily hurt,spending much money,and so on,its merits obviously far outweighs its demerits.Its merits can be removed step by step when some feasible measures are adopted.Thus,it is no overstatement to say that playing sports teaches us more lessons about the life.
求修改英语作文一篇Have you ever lost an important basketball game due