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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:数学作业 时间:2024/10/01 04:21:40
再问: 话题是“如何与朋友相处”
再答: how to get along with friends 生活的道路上不能没有朋友的成功是在生活中,朋友,对成功来说是基本的生命的迹象。几乎所有成功的人,有一个好朋友。事实上,几乎所有的重要机遇,是朋友。 on the way to the life can't have no friend of success in life is, friends, is fundamental to success the sign of life. Almost all successful people, have a good friend. In fact, almost all of the key opportunity, are friends with. 我们应该用心经营,真心对待朋友要相互信任,还要一起来用心维系这份情感,因为价值观因人而论,每个人的生活环境都来自不同。但彼此之间都得为对方留下空间,并不因为认为都已经是朋友就无所顾忌了。 We should be careful management, sincere,Friends to trust each other, and to maintain the heart with emotion, because values because of the person concerned, everyone's life from the various environment. But between each other for each other, not for leave space that are already friends will go to town.