作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 18:54:44
1.我们一直在忙于为运动会做准备,be busy doing 2.他今天早餐只吃了几片烤面包slice of 3.因为我刚买了一套大房子,我买不起另一套了,afford 4.我建议你每天早上做半小时运动,suggest 5,我们谁都不能避免犯错误,avoid 6.他们正考虑在这建一个游泳池,consider 7,我容忍不了她那样对待我,can·t stand 8.你还欠我一个合理的解释owe 9你应该严肃对待这个问题take。。。。seriously 10.你应该就迟到一事向老师道歉。apology
解题思路: 翻译句子
1. We have been busy preparing for the Games.

2. He only ate a few slices of toast for breakfast this morning.
3. I can not afford another house because I just bought a big one. 4. I suggest that you do exercise for half an hour every morning .

5, None of us can avoid making mistakes.
6. They are considering constructing a swimming pool here.

7, I can't stand the way she treated me.
8. You still owe me a reasonable explanation .
9 You should take this problem seriously .
10. You should make an apology to your teacher for being late.
