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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 12:31:03
①what do you think made your brother so upset?
______his new backpack.
A.As he lost B.lost C.Losing D.Because of losing
②It was about two years ago _____a young man saved ten children from the ruins.
A.that B.until C.before D.when
③According to the scientists,in a healthy diet,it's better to boil eggs rather than ____then.
A.to be fried B.frying C.to fry D.be fried
④_____has been announced,we shall have our final exam nest month.
A.As B.That C.It D.Which
⑤Canada has____population of about 30 million,while _____population of China is about 1.3 billion.
A.a,the B.the,a C.a,a D.the,the
⑥The Los Angeles basin is surrounded _____three sides _____high mountains.
A.with,by B.on,by C.by,with D.on,on
⑦The medicine is not allowed to be taken by this patient,_____the side effect is obvious.
A.whose B.whom C.who D.on whom
⑧A clean enviroment can help the city bid for the Olympics.Which _____will promote its econonic development.
A.in nature B.in return C.in fact D.in turn
⑨The opening ceremony started at 8 o'clock at the Bird's Nest _____the audience started to enter at 6.
A.which B.where C.when D./
⑩Hi,Lucy.Would you like to go to the supermarket with me now?
I’m sorry.But I _____by a doctor.
A.am examined B.was examined C.have been examined D.am being examined
11.Class 4 and class 14 will compete _____the championship of the football match.
A.with B.for C.against D.in
12.Lucy explained to her doctor _____her headache had begun one year before,and _____,only because of this,she had failed the exam.
A.when,how B.how,how C.how,when D.why,why
13.Canada and Australia are primarily _____countries.
A.English-speaking B.speak-English C.spoken-English D.English-spoken
14.You'd better not advise the manager to do that,or you will risk_____.
A.firing B.to fire C.being fired D.to be fired
15.In my opinion,it's the best use that could be _____the space.
A.made up B.made in C.made of D.made from
16.Oh,it's you!I _____you.
I've just had my hair cut,and I'm wearing new glasses.
A.didn't recognize B.haven't recognized C.don't recognize D.am not recognizing
17.He loves the old songs,which _____everyone of his age.
A.are familiar with B.are similar with C.are familiar to D.are similar to
18.It's time for lunch._____Tom come?
No,he _____this afternoon.
A.Has,is arriving B.Did,arrived C.Has,hasn't come D.Did,didn't come
19.Whom are you looking for?
The woman _____Doctor Li.
A.called herself B.calling herself C.who called D.we called her
1.C 提问用what,回答用名词,这里没有主语,直接用动名词losing
2.D 从句用法,when指前面的时间two years ago
3.C rather than前后的动词时态应该一致,前面是to do 后面也是to do
4.A 整句话中间用逗号连接,是一个句子,所以前面的部分只能做状语,所以选A,as is annouced,正如公布的那样,可变时态.其他选项为从句用法,缺连接词
8.D.in turn,转而的意思,常考短语
9.A .which指代鸟巢,做enter的宾语,这是个宾语从句
11.B.compete for,为...而竞争
14.C.risk doing sth
15.C .make use of,利用,固定短语
19.B.动名词作定语.A少了连接词who/that,C时态不对,who is called就对了,D的从句用法不对
再问: 第二 选A 第十二 选B 第三 那为什么是prefer to do sth rather than do sth。 第四 that which 难道不是连接词吗,应该是不符题意吧 第五 为什么加拿大就用a 中国就用the 第六 理由呢 第八 其他什么意思 第十一 为什么不选其他 第十二 十三 没原因 第十七 原因 后面是人的时候用什么,是物的时候用什么 第十八 为什么,前面用has 第十九 是不是叫他自己用主动,并不是被动。 谢谢
再答: 3 固定用法,记住就可 4 that which是从句连接词,但是这个句子不是从句,that 和which没有可取代的内容 5 a population of,固定用法,第二次用到的时候就要用特定代词the了 6 on XX side,固定搭配,后面的by是表示被动,被山环绕 8 A in nature,表示自然属性等时用。B in return,作为回报讲,很容易跟in turn 混。C in fact,事实上 11 其他介词也可以跟compete搭配,但是根据句意,1班和4班,然后足球赛的冠军,这2者之间的关系肯定是为了冠军而竞争所以是for。 12 应该选B的。我做错了,我在A和B之间想了一下还是错了...主要是看连接词在后面的句子中扮演的角色。先看后面的词排除C、D,when肯定不对,而why也错误,因为明确的给出了because的原因所以是A或者B。再看前面,没有when能引导的部分,所以就是B了 13 说英语的,English-speaking 17 sb be familar with sth ,sth is familar to sb 18 Tom来了吗?根据come的时态判断,这是come的过去分词形式,所以用完成时 19 A前面少了一个连接词who/that,C 少了谓语动词,who is called,D her应该改为whom