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英语翻译With the discovery of thousands of new inorganic compoun

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:27:12
With the discovery of thousands of new inorganic compounds it has become necessary to revise the Traditional rules of nomenclature.An international committee has recommended a set of rules for naming compounds,and these are now being adopted throughout the world.Many of the older names are still used,however,and our ensuing discussion will include in many cases both the old and new,with emphasis on the latter.One of the principal changes is that proposed by Albert Stock and now known as the Stock system for the naming of compounds of metals (oxides,hydroxides,and salts) in which the metal may exhibit more than one oxidation state.In these cases the oxidation state of the metal is shown by a Roman numeral in parentheses immediately following the English name of the metal which corresponds to its oxidation number1.If the metal has only one common oxidation number,no Roman numeral is used.Another important change is in the naming of complex ions and coordination compounds.We will defer the nomenclature of the latter until these compounds are discussed.
Naming Metal Oxides.Bases,and Salts
The student should have a good start in learning nomenclature if he has learned the Valence Table 3 which gives both charges on ions and names for the more common ones2.A compound is a combination of positive and negative ions in the proper ratio to give a balanced charge and the name of the compound follows from names of the ions,for example,NaCl,is sodium chloride; Al (OH )3 is aluminum hydroxide; FeBr2 is iron ( I ) bromide or ferrous bromide; Ca (C2H3O2)2 is calcium acetate; Cr2 (SO,)3 is chromium ( I ) sulfate or chromic sulfate,and so on.Table 4 gives some additional examples of the naming of metal compounds.Of the two common systems used,the Stock system is preferred.Note that even in this system; however,the name of the negative ion will need to be obtained from Valence Table 4.
Negative ions,anions,may be monatomic or polyatomic.All monatomic anions have names ending with ide.Two polyatomic anions which also have names ending with ide are the hydroxide ion,OH- ,and the cyanide ion,CN-.
Many polyatomic anions contain oxygen in addition to another element.The number of oxygen atoms in such oxyanions is denoted by the use of the sulffixes ite and ate,meaning fewer and more oxygen atoms respectively.In cases where it is necessary to denote more than two oxyanions of the same element,the prefixes hypo and per,meaning still fewer and still more oxygen atoms,respectively,may be used.A series of oxyanions is named in Table 5.
英语翻译With the discovery of thousands of new inorganic compoun
学生应该有一个好的开始学习命名如果他已经学会了在价表3使两项指控在离子和的名字来ones2更为普遍.一种化合物是一个相结合的正面和负面的离子平衡给予一定比例的主管人员和名字的复合有离子的名字,例如,盐,是氯化钠;氢氧化铝);氢氧化铝是FeBr2是铁(我)溴溴钙离子或黑色,是钙)2 C2H3O2 Cr2酯,(所以)3是铬(1)硫酸盐或铬硫酸盐,等等.表4给一些附加的名字命名的例子金属化合物.系统使用的两种常见的,股票系统者优先考虑.注意:即使在这个系统;然而的名称,负离子需要获得价表4.
负离子、阴离子,可能是种多原子或命名.所有阴离子结尾的名字命名ide.两种多原子阴离子也有名字的结尾,ide是氢离子,哦-、氰化物离子、CN -.
许多种多原子中含氧阴离子除了另一个元素.氧原子的数量在通过引入oxyanions尽管sulffixes的使用,吃了,意味着更少的、更氧原子的分别.在某些情况下有必要表示超过2 oxyanions相同的元素,前缀海波和提高,这意味着更少,而且更加氧原子分别可能使用.一系列的oxyanions表5中已被指定.