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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 15:14:11
Chinese greetingit woul
In most culture,when you meet your friend or a stranger for the first time during a day,you should usually greet them.Once a young lady from the USA went to Beijing to work.She knew nothing about Chinese culture of Chinese language.On her way to work one day,she went to the post office.To her surprise,the post office clerk asked her if she had her lunch.She was very surprised at this question.In the USA this kind of question can be understood as an invitation to lunch.So she was very puzzled,and she quickly answered that she had eaten already.After she went to work,she was more surprised that nearly every colleague asked her the same question,At this time,she understood that it would not be an invitation,but she was still puzzled that why they asked this question.
In the following daysmshe was asked the same question again ahd again.At last she guessed that people must be concerned her health for she was very thin,and so she thought they must be worried that she was not eating well.
一\Write a “T”if the sentence is true,write an “F” if it false
( )1\The young lady lives in Beijing.
( )2\The post office clerk wanted to invite the young lady for lunch.
( )3\The Americans never ask this question for the first time.
( )4\The young lady has found the answer.
( )5\All the young lady’s Chiese colleagues ask her the same question during a day.
二\Answer the questions according to the passage
1\What should you do when you meet someone for the first time during a day?
2\Why is the young lady surprised when she heard the question?
3\Who ask the young lady the strange question?
4\Do the Americans greet each other the same as the Chinese?
5\Please translate the underlined part into Chinese.(请将短文中画线部分翻译成中文)
中国 的问候
在下列的 daysmshe 中再一次在再一次被问相同的问题 ahd .最后她猜测,人一定被关心她的健康,因为她非常瘦,而且因此她认为他们一定担忧她没有在很好地吃.
一\写 " T" 如果句子是真实的,写 " F" 如果它错误的
()1\ 年轻的淑女居住在北京.
()2\ 邮局店员想要为午餐邀请年轻的淑女.
()3\ 美国人从不第一次问这一个问题.
()4\ 年轻的淑女已经发现答案.
()5\ 所有的年轻淑女的 Chiese 同事在一天期间问她相同的问题.
二\ 答案依照通道的问题
1\ 当你在一天期间第一次遇见某人的时候 ,你应该做什么?
2\ 当她听到了问题的时候 ,年轻的淑女为什么感到惊讶的?
3\ 世界卫生组织问年轻的淑女奇怪的问题?
4\ 美国人相同于华人致敬彼此吗?
5\ 请翻译那在部份下面划线进华语之内