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the old people____lonely at all since we began to visit them

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 14:23:41
the old people____lonely at all since we began to visit them once a week .
A do not feel B has not felt C have not fell
the old people____lonely at all since we began to visit them

正确答案:选C. have not felt

解析:since 是现在完成时的标志,而且主语是复数,因为 the old 指代一类人,老人的意思;not at all 一点也不


再问: 可答案是B?
再答: 不可能是B吧,如果是B,用has not felt,是单三形式,后面的them 是复数,前后不一致,应该是C,但是C中的fell应该改成felt,即have not felt
再问: 不可以是修饰限定,看作一个整体吗?
再答: 也许可以这么理解,不然这样就前后矛盾了。
再问: 那就是选B吧?
再答: 嗯,是的,因为people 确实是一个集合名词
再问: 集合名词是什么意思?
再答: 一群相似也相关的个体结合而成的集合体的名称称为集合名词。如:family(家庭), class(班级), police(警察), cattle(牛), clothing(衣服), jewelry(珠宝)等。 2.集合名词指整体时被看作单数名词;集合名词指整体的构成分子时被看作复数名词。 The class has elected its leader. 这个班选出了它的班长。 The class are interested in his lecture. 班上学生对他的讲座都很感兴趣。 3. a/the/this/that+集合名词+of,这是将若干相同的个体合在一起的表达方式,也可将集合名词变成复数。 Don't believe a word he is saying; it's all a pack of lies. 他说的话一点也别信,那全是一派胡言。 a pack of cigarettes 一包香烟 a bundle of sticks 一捆棍子 a flock of birds 一群鸟 a pile of newspapers/books 一堆报纸(书) a gang of robbers 一群强盗 a herd of cows 一群乳牛 4.如果所采取的行动是“一致的”,则是指团体,属于单数,作主词时用单数动词。若是各做各的动作或各有各的主意等类似的情节,则指组成分子,属于复数,作主词时用复数动词。 My family has agreed to take a trip during the holiday. 我们家一致同意假期外出旅游。 My family are not in agreement on where to go. 对于去哪里我们家人持不同意见。