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英语翻译2012 /5--2012 /7:开发某公司全套通讯通信业务项目描述:这家新进企业是本地区最大的公司,移动,联通

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 04:33:34
2012 /5--2012 /7:开发某公司全套通讯通信业务
英语翻译2012 /5--2012 /7:开发某公司全套通讯通信业务项目描述:这家新进企业是本地区最大的公司,移动,联通
This newly established company is the largest one in the region.Both China Mobile and China Unicom are trying to get it as customer.Though the initial investment is huge,the return on the investment will be significant after the optical fibre connect to it.The GM of the company has been contacted since May of 2012.The company requested that we should lay the pipeline and optical cable under the ground of it and said this would be the only precondition to cooperate with our company.The total investment will be 260 thousands RMB.Within the area of the company,there are many affiliates and branchs and the cost for internet and telephone are accounted independently.What worried us is that if these affliates and branches choose other operators,our lost would be unlimited.(译者认为:最多损失26万).After evaluating the company's scale and actual power of consumption,making out several business cases,as well as several rounds negotiations,we reached an agreement with it that we are the exclusive provider of the optical fibre/cable,100 meters optical cable and 500 telephone sets.Thus we got the project successfully.
Description of the responsibilities
In this project,I myself evaluated several times of the business case by site observation after the connection to the net by the company and actively fed back the result to the leaders/managers.Meanwhile I invited experts to prepare the circuit diagram,then submitted the diagram to the GM of the company.After both sides understood the sincere attitude of the cooperation and fixed all the contract details,the project started officially.
我们做项目时,不说收益规模,只做项目书和业务模型,即:business case.里面包括了投资回报分析等.
通讯和通信有什么区别我以后打算在移动联通等公司上班,应该学通讯,还是通信啊 英语翻译诺基亚(Nokia)公司成立于1865年,是一家总部位于芬兰主要从事生产移动通信产品的跨国公司,是移动通信的全球 移动通信中承载业务的定义是什么? 1、某通讯公司开设卡了甲,乙两种市内移动通信业务,甲种使用者每月需缴12元月租费,然后每通话1min,再付话费0.15元 移动联通电信处于企业生命周期的哪个阶段 某通信公司推出该公司的移动业务收费优惠活动,若移动用户每月通话时间不超过300分钟,按每分钟0.3元收费;若用户每月通话 人力资源规划问题为满足某石油公司海外勘探开发业务快速发展的需要,某公司需加大人力资源建设力度,扩展员工队伍规模,队伍结构 英语翻译这是我们公司针对某些特定项目新成立的一个统管的部门,负责项目开发,技术支持,具体项目中标后的管理则另外会成立项目 2008年5月12日四川地震,为什么重庆通讯中断.难道移动、联通的人都跑了吗? 某移动公司开设了两种通讯业务,甲业务使用者先缴20元月租... 英语翻译该公司规模较大,已成为无锡市资本规模最大的地产公司之一,但盛高置地进入无锡市场时间不长,导致该公司目前开发的项目 英语翻译北京xxxx公司成立于2005年,注册资金100万元,是一家以动漫制作、广告设计、开发和运营为主营业务的高科技企