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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 02:15:19
1铁矿粉的指标是含铁品味高 成分稳定 杂质少,力度小于5mm的矿粉
2 熔剂由生石灰(CAO)和白云石组成
对生石灰的指标要求是含水3%左右 90%粒度在3mm
3 燃料主要为焦粉和无烟煤
对燃料的要求是碳含量高 成分稳定 灰分低 挥发分低 含硫低 含水小于10% ,95%粒度 小于3mm
混合目的:使烧结料的成分均匀,水分合适,易于造球,从而获得粒度组成良好的烧结混合料,以保证烧结矿的质量和提高产量.我们一般采用二次混合技术 一次混合的目的:润湿与混匀,.二次混合的目的:继续混匀,造球,以改善烧结料层透气性和湿度
The sintering process is composed of five systems constitute,respectively is:batching system,hybrid system,the sintering system,cooling system andscreening system.
From the first batch system began to speak of,raw materials mainly composed of iron ore powder,flux,fuel,mineral composition.
1 iron ore index is the iron containing high taste components stability fewer impurities,mineral powder strength less than 5mm
2 flux by lime (CAO) and dolomite
Requirements for the lime water index is about 3% 3mm in size 90%
3 main coke and anthracite as fuel
The fuel requirement is high carbon content of ash composition and stability of low volatile low sulfur and low moisture content less than 10%,95% the size of less than 3mm
4 mine
These ingredients are loaded into the material tank by mixing machinetransported to sintering material is mixed with the transport system
Objective:the mixed sintering of uniform composition,proper moisture,easyballing,so as to obtain the size composition of sinter mix well,to ensure the quality of sintered ore and increase the yield of.We generally use two time mixing technology a hybrid objective:wetting and blending,.Two hybrid objective:tomixing,pelletizing,in order to improve the air permeability of sinter and humidity
Then enter the sintering system
The first layer of the particle size is 10 25mm,thickness 20 small sinter 25mmas bedding material,its purpose is to protect the trolley bottom material stickingand burning
Spread the bottom material,then the cloth.Cloth mixture particle size and chemical composition of uniform distribution along the trolley vertically and horizontally,and a loose,smooth surface.
Then use the igniter combustion and exhaust fan at the bottom part of the trolleywork at this time should pay attention to the trolley speed and sintering layer vertical velocity on the sintered material.Sinter and then sintering fine crushing,sinter crushed into the cooling system,the cooling system into the screen,screensinter extension to the blast furnace,screen mine mine used as.