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英语翻译Rhizosphere microbial communityThe microbial biomass of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 05:38:03
Rhizosphere microbial community
The microbial biomass of the rhizosphere was estimated from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations (Tate and Jenkinson 1982).The structure of the rhizosphere microbial community was assessed from the phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) profile (Tunlid and White 1992) extracted according to Bligh and Dyer (1959) and Frostegård and Bååth (1996) and analysed by gas chromatography (Philips PU 4400 gas chromatograph,using a SE 54 packed 30 m×250 µm capillary column and a flame ionisation detector) according to Frostegård et al.(1991).A standard qualitative
bacterial acid methyl ester (C11 to C20) mixture of 26 fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs; Supelco,Supelco UK,Poole,UK) was used to identify individual FAMEs according to
retention time.Individual PLFAs were attributed to various microbial groups according to Zelles (1999).
Root material decomposition
The decomposition of root material was determined from CO2 production over 46 days when 0.3-g (dry wt.) samples of root were mixed and incubated with 30-g (dry wt.
equivalent) sieved (4 mm) soil at 50% water-holding capacity and 20°C using an automated respirometer (Nordgren Innovations AB,Umeå,Sweden; Nordgren
1988).The soil used had sandy loam soil texture,pH 6.3,and contained 33.1-mg total C gramme−1 soil (SD=2.62) and 2.9-mg total N gramme−1 soil (SD=0.29).Soil-rate
exponential function,and the total C lost from the plant material was determined by difference between the soil amended with root material and unamended controls.Concentrations of extractable NO_3,NH+4 and microbial biomass N in the soil were determined spectrophotometrically according to Cataldo et al.(1975),Anderson and
Ingram (1993) and Amato and Ladd (1988),respectively.
Statistical analyses
Data were analysed by analysis of variance using the MINITAB statistical package (release 13.1,MINITAB Inc.,PA,USA).Means were separated using Fisher’s least
significant difference test.Shannon–Wiener diversity and evenness indices (H’ and J,respectively) were calculated from peak area for individual PLFAs.PLFA profiles were
compared and related to various root characteristics using redundancy analysis in conjunction with Pearson correlation coefficients and a Monte Carlo permutation test (Ter Braak and Šmilauer 1998),performed using CANOCO version 4 (Microcomputer Power,Ithaca,NY,USA).
英语翻译Rhizosphere microbial communityThe microbial biomass of
微生物生物量的根际估计从三磷酸腺苷( ATP )的浓度( Tate和姜金生1982年) .
的结构,根际微生物群落进行了评估从磷脂脂肪酸( PLFAs )简介( Tunlid和白1992 )提取根据布莱和戴尔( 1959年)和Frostegård和复兴党( 1996年)和分析的气相色谱(飞利浦蒲4400天然气色谱仪,利用东南54便携30米× 250 μm的毛细管柱和火焰离子化检测器)根据Frostegård等.( 1991年) .标准质量
细菌酸甲酯( C11到C20 ) 26日的混合脂肪酸甲酯( FAMEs ; Supelco ,Supelco英国,普尔,英国)被用来确定个人FAMEs根据
保留时间.个人PLFAs是由于各种微生物群体根据Zelles ( 1999年) .
根的分解材料,确定二氧化碳生产超过46天的时候0.3克(干重) .样品根混合和孵育30克(干重.
当量)筛( 4毫米)的50 %的土壤持水能力,20 ° C使用自动呼吸( Nordgren创新公司,乌默奥,瑞典; Nordgren
1988年) .使用了土壤砂质壤土土壤质地,pH值为6.3 ,并载有33.1毫克C共计克- 1土壤(标准差= 2.62 )和2.9毫克全氮克- 1土壤(标准差= 0.29 ) .土壤利率
指数函数和C共计损失从植物材料测定土壤之间的差异修正以root材料和未经控制.浓度提取NO_3 ,氨氮和微生物量氮在土壤中测定分光据卡塔尔等.( 1975年) ,安德森和
英格拉姆( 1993 )和达马托和拉德( 1988年) ,分别为.
数据进行分析的方差分析使用MINITAB统计软件包( 1月13日发布,MINITAB公司,美国宾夕法尼亚州) .分离手段使用费的至少
显着性差异的考验.Shannon - Wiener多样性和均匀度指数( H '和J分别)的峰面积计算出的个别PLFAs .磷脂脂肪酸简介
比较和相关的各种根源使用冗余特性分析与Pearson相关系数和蒙特卡洛置换测试(之三Braak和Šmilauer 1998 ) ,采用CANOCO第4版(微机电源,在美国纽约州伊萨卡,美国) .