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一个英语单选下面详细---Which would you enjoy____ ,the city or the coun

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 12:25:51
---Which would you enjoy____ ,the city or the countryside?
---I prefer the countryside ,for it is quiet and free of pollution in the countryside.
A to live in
B living
C living in
D to live
would enjoy to do sh.不行吗 would enjoy to do sh.和would like to do sh.不一样吗
一个英语单选下面详细---Which would you enjoy____ ,the city or the coun
enjoy表示喜欢,日语是”好き”或者是“大好き”后面要接doing sth表示喜欢做某事
like/love doing 或者like/love to do 前者表示经常性的,一直喜欢做,后者表示偶尔去做.love比like喜欢的程度更深
go in for doing也有喜欢的意思
prefer to do表示更喜欢,如果想表示相比doing A 更喜欢doing B那就用prefer to do rather than do或者prefer doing to doing
would rather do than do 也表示更喜欢做前者
live这个词表示居住,日语是”住む“,是一个不及物动词,就是不能直接加宾语说住在哪里,要加介词然后加住的地点,一般加介词in,如I am living in Chengdu now.这个题就是live in city或者live in countryside.
扩展:特别注意对于home这个词,单独用一般是是副词,如I used to live home.但是如果说his home那就变成名词了,就说live in his home
Which would you enjoy____ ,home or abroad?
再问: 为什么不是A
再答: 我已经说过了呀,enjoy后面只能加doing sth 不能加to do 但是like、prefer等词既可以加to do也可以加doing,这些固定搭配你需要记忆的。
再问: 不是,我之前看的有个答案是A啊 would enjoy to do sh.和would like to do sh.
再答: 嗯,我明白你的意思。 问题的核心在于到底有没有would enjoy to do的搭配,刚百度了一下,有一个相似的提问见http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=Jx5gxwNpzoxWUEXhg9G_eieEiT4m2vJVG3uqGbRVBDNdv03ZIe7k_hRbhsEahd4yLr9-KHOUrnh5J-ya6RWBBq 但是,最最最权威的要去查牛津字典,以下是牛津字典中对于enjoy的用法解释: 1. VERB 动词 享受;喜爱 If you enjoy something, you find pleasure and satisfaction in doing it or experiencing it. 【语法信息】:V n/-ing Ross had always enjoyed the company of women... 罗斯向来喜欢有女人伴其左右。 He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full... 他是个尽情享受生活的人。 I enjoyed playing cricket. 我喜欢打板球。 回答追问有字数限制,详情见评论