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英语翻译something in stephen pearman's voice moved robert fredy

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 01:22:22
something in stephen pearman's voice moved robert fredy one cold day two years ago.pearman had come close to frdy's car at a crossroad in new york city,hoping to earn some change by washing his windshield.fredy waved to indicate he wasn't interested.
pearman leaned into the window."come on,mister,give me a break i need of the berkeley-carteret hotel in asbury park,new jersey handed pearman a business card and told him to call if he was serious.
"my friends told me he was just making a joke about me,says pearman,an out-of work taxi and truck driver."but i believed that he was a kind businessman."
the next day,29-year-old pearman appeared again before fredy.fredy gave him a job and three meals a day,and lent him pocket money while training him.
today,pearman works full time setting up the hotel's meeting rooms.in the past two years,he's found an apartment,married and repaid fredy's loans.
"there's no future in washing windshields,"says pearman."mr.fredy gave me a second chance,and i made the best use of it."
ordinarily fredy is very careful with new york's street people."but pearman seemed so honest and open,asking for an opportunity rather than just money," fredy says."i don't hand my business card to just anybody.but i'm glad i handed it to pearman that day."
英语翻译something in stephen pearman's voice moved robert fredy
帕尔曼倾斜拖入该窗口.“来吧,先生,给我一个突破,我需要的伯克利- carteret酒店在asbury公园,新州交给帕尔曼一张名片,并告诉他呼吁如果他是严重.
“我的朋友告诉我,他只是作出一个笑话,关于我说,帕尔曼,一个地地道道的工作,的士及货车司机,”但我相信他是一种商人“ .
第二天,29岁高龄的帕尔曼再次出现之前,fredy .fredy给了他一份工作和一日三餐,并借给他零用钱,而训练他.
“有没有前途的洗涤挡风玻璃,说:”帕尔曼“ .致辞.fredy给了我第二次机会,而我做到了最好使用它” .
通常fredy是很小心,与纽约的街人“ ,但帕尔曼似乎使诚实和公开的,要求一个机会,而不仅仅是金钱,” fredy说:“我不手我的名片只是人,但我很高兴我交给它帕尔曼那一天“