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英语翻译If the performance of this Agreement,or any obligation h

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 15:24:30
If the performance of this Agreement,or any obligation hereunder,by x is prevented,restricted or interfered with by reason of any cause beyond the reasonable control of the affected party,such as,but not limited to,fire,difficulties with workmen,strikes,sit-down,lockouts,accidents to plant or equipment,failures of the usual sources of supply of materials,breakdown of machinery or equipment,government regulations or restrictions,embargoes,insurrections,acts of public enemy or acts of God,x shall be excused and in no way be liable for non-delivery or delay in delivery or any other failure to deliver or perform in accordance with any terms agreed upon between the parties hereto,until such causes are removed.Similar causes unavoidable by DISTRIBUTOR shall be sufficient for DISTRIBUTOR to be excused from performing under the Agreement,except for submission of payment for Products sold,until such causes are removed.
Either party so affected by the causes set forth in Section 1 above shall use diligent efforts to avoid or remove such causes of nonperformance and shall continue performance hereunder with the utmost dispatch whenever such causes are removed
The relationship between the parties is that of distributor and DISTRIBUTOR and nothing in this Agreement shall constitute or be deemed to constitute DISTRIBUTOR an agent,legal representative,partner,or joint venturer of x.DISTRIBUTOR shall have no authority or power to bind x or to contract in its name,nor to make any promise,warranty,or representation on x’s behalf with respect to the Products or any other matter.
英语翻译If the performance of this Agreement,or any obligation h