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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:21:09
An incident at Abraham Lincoln High School—Kathleen’s alma mater, where both Joey and Michael Carangi were students—typified the vast differences between the generation that had built the Northeast and the one about to inherit it. The drugs of choice in the early seventies were still marijuana and LSD, but suddenly Lincoln High was being flooded with phenobarbital pills. It wasn’t just an unusually large supply of sedatives working its way through normal drug distribution Channels. There were suddenly just phenobarbs everywhere. Kids had pocketfuls of them; they were toting around bottles that contained not ten or twenty pills but a thousand. Students were throwing them across the 107 Lunchroom like confetti, swallowing them like candy.
在凯瑟琳的母校,亚伯拉罕.林肯中学发生了一起事故.Joey 和Michael Carangi 也曾就读于此,这起事故很有典型性的道出了曾经解放了东北部的一代人和即将要继承这一成果的一代人之间鲜明的不同点.在七十年代早期,毒品的选择还只是大麻和麦角酸二乙基酰胺(一种麻药),然而,转瞬间,林肯中学被泛滥的苯巴比妥所淹没.并不只是异常大量的镇静剂通过以普通药物的经销渠道进入校园.而是突然到处都是苯巴比妥.孩子们口袋里满满的都是这些药,他们手里拿着的药瓶子里装的不是十片二十片而是成千上百片.学生们在107餐厅里把他们像幸福米一样乱扔,学生们吞起这些药就像吃糖果一样.