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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 09:28:23
  巴哈马群岛(Bahamas)是西印度群岛的三个群岛之一,虽然它被认为加勒比海地区的海岛群,实际上却并不在加勒比海内,而是位于佛罗里达海峡口外的北大西洋上.这个群岛由700多个海岛和2400多个岛礁组成,总面积13, 939平方公里,人口32.5万(2005年),85%是黑人,其它是少数白人、印度人和印第安人,以及混血种人,还有少数华裔,通用英语.首都拿骚(Nassau),人口22.2万.
  即使是平日,拿骚的街市也充满了欢快气息,只要艺人鼓点一响,一秒钟之间,花花绿绿的人们便潮水般涌来,又唱又跳!当你走在街头,如果旁边的帅哥靓女伸手过来说:「Hi,Dance with me!」你可千万不要惊讶啊!
  英文:The Bahamas Bahamas (west Indies) is one of the three islands, although it is considered the Caribbean island group, but not in the Caribbean, but in the north Atlantic outlets across the Florida. The islands of more than 700 island and more than 2400 batters, 13, total 939 square kilometers and a population of about 325,000 (2005), the other is 85% is black, white minority, indians and indians, and HunXieZhong people, a few Chinese, English is the official language. Nassau Nassau (capital), population 22.2 million.
  The Bahamas long ago lived indians. In 1492 Columbus first October, America's central in the Bahamas ShengSaErWaDuo island (walter Lin island). The first European settlers in 1647 here. The British Bermuda year 1649 governor with a British occupied islands. 1717 in Britain for their colonies declared the Bahamas. In 1783 the United Kingdom, Spain signed Versailles treaty and, as the formal subordinate. In 1964, January internal self-government. January 1967 held the first election after the autonomy, wangdi made linden, flat contained as prime minister. In 1972, progress and liberal foiled secessionist activities of anti-government forces, an early general election. After the election the party was published on the green paper, British independence government approved the Bahamas independent law. In 1973, July 10 declare independence, become the member. On May 23, 1997, the People's Republic of China and the Bahamas countries established diplomatic relations. In July 19, Chinese embassy in put. On January 20, 2006 in China have embassy.
  Although the Bahamas 3,000 reef, but can only live in 30, too, because many reefs or lack of fresh water or can't live. The Lord called the new island archipelago providence island, the island is not in the Bahamas, but it's the largest comprehensive conditions, development early, so that the federal capital, the Bahamas, on Nassau on the island.
  Pink beaches
  The Bahamas Nassau, capital of pink make people think there is full of flowers, but found it was approached, the color is actually beach. The beach is original from GongShanHu dark-grey into powder.
  Even on the streets Nassau, also full of lively flavor, as long as artists, a second drum sound, colourful people came to, singing and dancing! When you walk in the street, if the hand next handsome girl said: "Hi, me!" Dance? You mustn't surprise!
  Space shuttle Atlantis and the lake of fire
  In the Bahamas on a strange fire lake, the lake in every night, water, immediately stir ewebeditor sparkle OARS, can arouse the light point million, like unto QianBaiZhi fireflies fly in the lake. Originally, it is a kind of reproductive lake sea creatures in time ", "hab it contains the fluorescent enzyme water splashed out, will produce oxidation and colourful" spark ". The scenery, don't go out from the fairy tale?
  In more than Minnie island coast, a submerged 15 feet deep stone road, road and open plain. It is called "the road of space shuttle Atlantis. Long-term since, it caused the people of beth infinite, most people guess it is ancient people's space shuttle Atlantis. And that is in the city of space shuttle Atlantis. Because of this mysterious atmosphere, shallow person will stay in this scenic spots.
  The island also than a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's home. Because in this island life Hemingway wrote for three years, awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in the old man and the sea ". To travel to the island will visit, the former Hemingway's home has become a great writer of famous tourist resort.
  Flat glass and airbus
  Clever people actively use the Bahamas islands of the natural scenery, setting the heart develop many entertainment project to attract tourists. People can cross the shallows on an island, enjoy the sea cucumber, hippocampus, sponge. Still can take glass gondola to deep sea fish area to agent. The Bahamas person has the world's biggest flat glass ship, and for the tour with fish.
  Want to watch the outline of the islands, still can take a little "airbus. This small planes flying slowly, flight level only 200 meters, and air bikes.
  The enthusiasm with chili mix fresh Bahamas conch
  Due to the Bahamas on sunshine time is very long, so the Bahamas person claiming to be the world's longest outdoor activities. They shine in the river, the blue and plenty of sunshine beach for pride. The day or night, dancing or walk, local residents are full of clothes on the flower, afraid of seven colors which is less. The people living here, enjoy the body and mind of dual freedom, like flowers, like birds, blossom the authenticity of the beautiful colors.
  Some of the island with a small thatched arbor, supply the Bahamas people like chili to mix fresh conch, and by the signal for dining, conch, for people to meditate, secluded spot. Long-term in high-rise buildings, busy life of people MaLongZhong accustomed, facing the island amorous feelings, how can not feel interesting? The Bahamas people also feel very proud.