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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 22:24:16
1 (是我姐姐)___________who taught me to swim yesterday.
2 He was considered a man who (淡泊名利)_____________.
3 The old man is (一个受人尊重的学者)_____________.
4 The company faces (艰难的竞争)_____________.
5.He wish is (嫁一个诚实的人)_____________.
6 She is the only one (照顾孩子)______________.
7 Our schoolmasters was asked(在会上讲话)____________.
8 He was the only person who(在那场灾难中存活下来)_______________.
9 (他们举行了一场庆祝会)___________after the conference.
10 (超过半数的学生)____________agree to take a picnic next Sunday.
1 But now it seems to be another story-study becomes my own business.
2 It helps me accumulate the practical experience,which is important to a collage student.
3 The enemy soldiers never expected an attack on such a night.
4 In 1789, leaders from all the states met to choose the first president of the United States.
5 I want to show that girls can be just as important as boys.
6 My parents are just there to encourage me but it is I who do the real work.
7 Thanksgiving Day is the most truly Amercian of the national holidays in the United States.
8 The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been held on that date until today .
9 Many people are often very busy with a variety of things at work or at home .
10 If you are a little fat,you can also keep fit by walking.
1 It was my older sister 2 who didn't care much about power and money
3 a respectful scholar 4 fierce competition
5 to marry to a honest man 6 who takes care of baies
7 to give a speech at the conference 8 survived in that disaster
9 They hold a celebration 10 More than half of the students
2 它帮我积累了很多实践经验,这对大学生来说事很重要的事.
4在1789年, 各州的领导者碰头来决定选取美国总统.
5 我想要证明,女孩是像男孩一样重要的.
6 我父母总是在我身边鼓励我,但是做事的总是我自己.
7 在美国,感恩节是最能体现美国这一民族的节日.
8 感恩节的庆典从那天开始举行,一直到今天
9 很多人不管是在工作时,还是在家中,都要忙于做各种各样的事情
10 如果你有一点点胖,你也可以通过多走路来保持体形~