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求教英语完型 打字不易

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 19:23:39
求教英语完型 打字不易
Black worked in the center of London,but he lived far away from it and came home by train every day.Every morning ,he__1__a poor man near a bridge.The man sat at one side of the road and sold___2__and there was an old dogs near him.Alarge card was next to the dog and it_3_,"I an blind" Mr Black was a kind man.He always___4 __him some money,but he did not take any picture.However,yesterday Mr Black had a lot of work to do and it was very__5__when he finished it.He taught,"My train always leave 7.55,and it is 7.50 now.I an in such a great hurry that I can't talk to the poor man.And I won't give him__6_."he saw the ma,but he did not___7_.He walk quickly towards the railway station.However,the poor man ran after him and said,"I am a poor man.You are always___8___So please give me a little___9____again."Mr Black stopped and said"you are blind.___10____can you follow me" The poor man said,"No,I am not blind,My old dog is" 1 Arang Bfollowed Ctaught Dmet
2Abooks Bcards Cpictures Dmedicine
3Asounded Bsaid Cmeant Dlooked
4Agave Bborrowed Clent Daksed
5Astrange Bcrazy Clate Dbusy
6 Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything
7A stop Bsmile C agree D run
8 Aserious Bkind Csorry Dproud
9Asalt Bwater Cfood Dmoney
10Awhy BWhere CHow Dwhen
求教英语完型 打字不易