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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 04:28:42
翻译句子 1.黑土豆产在中国东北。 2.那些书和杂志不允许带出图书馆. 3.张老师关心学生胜过自己。 4.爸爸教会了我怎样发送电子邮件。 5.台湾位于中国东南方。 6.昨天我得数学竞赛一等奖,它真是我一生中最快乐的一天. 7.迈克的哥哥到法国去了,所以手机一定关机了。 8.中学生应该为城市绿化做出自己的贡献。 9.李宏在她日记中经常写一些发生在学校有趣的事。 10.多亏有了互联网,世界变成地球村。
解题思路: 汉英翻译
1.The black potato is grown in the northeast of China.
2.Those books and magzines are not allowd to be taken out of the library.
3.Teacher Zhang care more about his/her students than himself.
4.My father taught me how to send e-mails.
5.Taiwan lies in the southeast of China.
6.I got the first place in the maths competition,which is the happiest day in my life
7.Mike's brother has gone to France and his mobile phone must be powered off.
8.Middle school students should contirbute to the virescence of the city.
9.Li Hong often write about the interesting things happening in his/her school in his/her diary.
10.Thanks to the inter Net,the woold has become the earth village.