作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:27:36
翻译:英语 中文
Early every morning,a shepherd took his flock of sheep out in the fields to graze.He would sit by watching - as the sheep lazily munched on fresh grass.After they had eaten,he would round them up and walk back home.Sometimes while watching his flock,he would curl up in a quiet corner and go off to sleep.
One day,the shepherd caught a wolf which had strayed into the field,eyeing his sheep.However,it was some distance away and it made no effort to come nearer.The shepherd at first stood on guard against the wolf,as against an enemy,and kept a strict watch over its movements.
But the wolf did not do anything.When the shepherd herded the sheep and headed home with his flock,the wolf quietly followed them at a distance.
This continued for a while.The shepherd would find the wolf waiting at the edge of the field every morning.But it made not the slightest effort to seize the sheep and would just watch.So,by and by,the shepherd let down his guard a bit.A few days later,he began to actually look forward to the wolf's presence.
The wolf,who generally sat on a large piece of rock,looked like a big sheep dog from afar.The shepherd thought that other wild animals or mischief-makers would be scared of the 'dog''s presence and not harm his flock while it was around.
Now,he began to look upon the wolf as a guardian of his flock.One day,in the middle of grazing his sheep,the shepherd was called back to home urgently.Leaving the sheep entirely in charge of the wolf,he left.
When he came back,what did he find?That the wolf had eaten most of his flock,with only a few sheep wandering about.Carcasses of the dead sheep lay around,everywhere.
The shepherd sat down in shock after witnessing the slaughter."Serves me right," he moaned to himself,"after all,I entrusted the welfare of my flock to a wolf." 每天凌晨,一牧羊人了他的羊群的羊,在田间吃草.他会坐视看-作为羊延迟m unched对新鲜的草.之后,他们吃了,他将一轮他们步行回家.有时看着他的羊群,他会卷曲起来,在一个安静的角落,并去睡觉.
狼来了,谁一般坐在上面一大块岩石,看上去像一个大羊,狗从远处.牧羊人以为其他野生动物或恶作剧的决策者会害怕' dog'的存在和不损害他的羊群,而这是靠近.
牧羊人坐下来,在休克后,目睹屠杀.“的话,”他moaned自己,“毕竟,我委托的福利我的羊群到一个狼来了” .