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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 00:35:40
21.More than five doctors and rescuers have got to Yushu County up to now. A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of 22.When I got New York, I had to attend a school for students first language was not English. A.who B.which C.whose D.where 23.—Did you telephone Uncle Sam our plan for the Christmas holidays on his farm? —Yes, he was happy about our arrival, and he eagerly asked when . A.has we arrived B.we had arrived C.were we arriving D.we were arriving 24.I suggested to my mother that she a drawing club after her retirement form teaching. A.join B.joins C.joined D.would join 25.David got a higher grade in the final exam, for, you see, he made mistakes. A.few B.fewer C.little D.less 26.—Have you got any books on English grammar? I’d like to borrow . —Yes, here you are. But you must return it by Friday. A.it B.one C.some D.any 28.—I had thought he would be nervous in this speech competition, but he turned out to be calm. —He quite enough preparation for it. A.should do B.must do C.should have done D.must have done 33.It was reported that 115 miners in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last. A.trapped B.being trapped C.were trapped D.had trapped 34.—How come your father can read books in German? —Well, he on a project with some German engineers for 3 years when he was young. A.worked B.was working C.had worked D.would work 35. a written permission, he had to write another letter to the president of the university. A.Not giving B.Not having been given C.Having not given D.Having not been given 请全译详解
解题思路: 首先弄懂句子语义,然后根据情境,斟酌选项,选出最佳答案。
21. A 到现在为止有5000多医生和营救者已经到达玉树。thousand用在数词后不加-s
22.C 当我到达纽约时,我不得不去学生的第一语言不是英语的学校上学。此题考查定语从句,students 和 first language之间存在所属关系,学生的第一语言,所以用whose,在定语从句中作定语。
23. D ---你给Sam叔叔打电话告诉他我们去他的农场度假的计划了吗?---是的,对于我们的到达他很高兴,并且他急切地问我们将什么时候到达。asked后接when引导的宾语从句,句子需要用陈述语气,排除A和C,根据语境看我们还没到,所以用过去进行时表过去将来时。
24. A 我给妈妈提建议,她教学退休后加入我们的画画俱乐部。suggest 建议,后面接一个宾语从句,需要用虚拟语气,should + 动词原形,should可以省略,所以选A
25. B 你看!戴维在期末考试中得了更高的分数, 因为他犯的错误更少了。mistakes是可数名词复数,所以用few 修饰,根据前一句中的 higher ,选择比较级。
26. B --你有英语语法书吗?我想借一本。---是的,给你。但是你必须星期五还我。看前一句中的 books, one用来代替可数名词单数形式。
28. D ---我原以为他在演讲比赛中会紧张的,但是他表现得很镇静。---他一定已经做好了准备。must have done 一定已经,对过去的事表示肯定地推测。
33. A 据报道被困在被水淹了的矿中8天的115名矿工终于被活着救出来了。从trapped到days在句中作定语,相当于定语从句,who were trapped....
34. A --你爸爸怎么能读德语书? --- 哦,当他年轻的时候曾经和一些德国工程师一起 工作过3年.从语境看,此事发生在过去跟现在没有关系,故用一般过去时。
35. B 没有得到书面允许,他不得不再次给大学校长写信。此题考查非谓语动词,he与give之间是被动关系,即动宾关系,排除A、C项,doing 的否定形式是not doing, 故选择B 项。