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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:13:53
美国立国之时,开国元勋华盛顿等人力主摈弃政党歧见,所以当时并无政党之争.可是建国不久就出现了两个资产阶级政党:一个是以汉密尔顿为首的联邦党,另一个是以杰佛逊为首的反联邦党.后来,这两个派别几经分化、改组,直至南北战争前正式建立民主党和共和党;以后它们 轮流执政,正式形成了两党制度.
The founding of the United States,Washington,and other founding fathers of human main political parties abandon their differences,so there is no contention between political parties at that time.But soon after the founding of the emergence of two political parties of the bourgeoisie:Hamilton is a party led by the Federation and the other is headed by Thomas Jefferson,the federal anti-party.Later,after dividing the two factions,the restructuring until the Civil War before the formal establishment of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party; after they take turns in power,the two parties formed a formal system.
History of the United States by the Democratic Party,the Republican Party in control of the U.S.political arena,has never faced a strong opponent.
In that case,the U.S.Republican and Democratic parties have no ideological difference?As a matter of fact they do not have an ideological difference.They represent the interests of the monopoly of the bourgeoisie political parties,only the implementation of specific policies on different.In general,Republicans advocate of small government,big society; its opposition to the expansion of government in economic and social aspects of the budget things,but that the expansion of the national defense budget.The Democratic Party in favor of the government to take more positive actions to promote social welfare and control of business activities.
Historically,the two parties in which the party has never been fully united in opposition to the party over the other,; in more cases,there is always one more party members in favor of another party's majority view .As a result,in a sense,the Democratic and Republican parties are not obvious limits of the political; course,this does not mean that the United States there is no significant political differences and debate.