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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 06:17:28
1 A:hello \x05
B:能有什么地方可以帮助你的吗?Hello sir,can I help you
2 A:我要投诉你们 I have a complaint you
B:先生,发生事情了 Sir,what happened
3 A :我在你们商场买了一双鞋子,但不到一周就断了 I am in your store bought a pair of shoes,but less than a week broke
B :怎么会有这样的情况?oh how can have such case
4 A:但实际已经发生了 But the actual had already happened
B:先生,对此我们表示很抱歉.Sir,we have expressed very sorry.
5 B 能不能说说具体情况啊Can say a specific situation
A 嗯,那天我穿着鞋子去逛街,没想到回来看到鞋底断了Well,that day I wear shoes go shopping,back home sole broke
6 A:你们给个解决方法吧You give a solution to it
B:先生,你可不可以把鞋子带来让我们看看Sir,could you bring us see the shoes
7 A:不好意思,最近我没时间,Sorry,I have no time,
B:那您可不可以拍张相片发过来.Could you take a photo hair come over
8 A:这么麻烦干嘛,直接给我退货Why so much trouble,return to me directly
B:先生,我们得要把这个问题向上级反映,之后才能给你一个解决方案.Sir,we have to put this question to the superior reflect,then I can give you a solution.
9 A 这样太麻烦了This is too much trouble.
B 不好意思先生,这是我们公司的规定Sorry sir,this is the rule of our company
10 A :这样说这个问题短时间内还不能给我解决,so said the problem within short time can't give me solution,
B :先生,我们得向上级反映,得一步一步的来Sir,we have to step by step to the superior reflect
11 A :大概得多久How long
B :两周内Two weeks
12 A:我不想拖得太久.I don't want to wait too long
B :那先生您的意思是?Mr.That you mean
13 A:我想这两天就把我的鞋子退掉I think the two day return my shoes
B:先生,这样恐怕有点难Sir,I'm afraid this is a little difficult
14 B 先生,为了节省你的时间,我建议你还是拍张相片发过来,这样我们会尽快的处理Sir,in order to save you time,I suggest you still take a photo to me,so that we can the treatment as soon as possible
A:那好吧,如果你是鞋子的质量我要求退货Well,if you are shoes quality I ask to return money
15 B没问题no problem
A我希望你们能处理好,I hope you can handle
2、我要投诉你们 I have a complaint you
修改:I have a complaint about you
3 A :我在你们商场买了一双鞋子,但不到一周就断了 I am in your store bought a pair of shoes,but less than a week broke
B :啊,怎么会有这样的情况?oh how can have such case
修改:I bought a pair of shoes in your store,but it broke less than a week
ah,how can this happened?
4 A:但实际已经发生了 But the actual had already happened
B:先生,对此我们表示很抱歉.Sir,we have expressed very sorry.
修改:But it really happened now.
Sir,we are sorry for this.
5 B 能不能说说具体情况啊Can say a specific situation
A 嗯,那天我穿着鞋子去逛街,没想到回来看到鞋底断了Well,that day I wear shoes go shopping,back home sole broke
修改:Can you tell me something about the specific situation
Well,that day I went shopping and wear the shoes,but the sole broke when I back home.
6 A:你们给个解决方法吧You give a solution to it
B:先生,你可不可以把鞋子带来让我们看看Sir,could you bring us see the shoes
修改:You'd better take some measures to solve the problem.
Sir,could you come here and show us the shoes?
7 A:不好意思,最近我没时间,Sorry,I have no time,
B:那您可不可以拍张相片发过来.Could you take a photo hair come over
修改:Sorry,I have no time recently.
Could you take a photo about it and then send it to us?
8 A:这么麻烦干嘛,直接给我退货Why so much trouble,return to me directly
B:先生,我们得要把这个问题向上级反映,之后才能给你一个解决方案.Sir,we have to put this question to the superior reflect,then I can give you a solution.
修改:Why so much trouble,return the money to me directly.
Sir,we have to put this question to the superior ,then I‘ll give you their reaction.
.10 A :这样说这个问题短时间内还不能给我解决,so said the problem within short time can't give me solution,
B :先生,我们得向上级反映,得一步一步的来Sir,we have to step by step to the superior reflect
修改:So you can not solve the problem in short time.
Sir,we have to ask the superior.it should be carried out step by step.
12 A:我不想拖得太久.I don't want to wait too long
B :那先生您的意思是?Mr.That you mean
修改:What do you mean,Sir?
13 A:我想这两天就把我的鞋子退掉I think the two day return my shoes
B:先生,这样恐怕有点难Sir,I'm afraid this is a little difficult
修改:I want to return my shoes in two days.
Sir,I'm afraid this is difficult .
14 B 先生,为了节省你的时间,我建议你还是拍张相片发过来,这样我们会尽快的处理
Sir,in order to save you time,I suggest you still take a photo to me,so that we can the treatment as soon as possible
A:那好吧,如果你是鞋子的质量我要求退货Well,if you are shoes quality I ask to return money
修改:Sir,in order to save your time,I suggest you still send me a photo about it,then we can solve the problem as soon as possible.
Ok,If the problem is the shoes' quality,I'll ask you to return the money!
15 B没问题no problem
A我希望你们能处理好,I hope you can handle
修改:I hope you can do it.