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英语完形."I don't want to sell anything,buy anything,or make any

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 03:22:36
"I don't want to sell anything,buy anything,or make anything as a career.I don't want to sell anything bought or made...or buy anything sold or made...or make anything sold or bought...or repair anything sold,bought,or made.You know,as a career,I don't want to do that." Lloyd Dobler,a character (人物) in the movie Say Anything,said this.It 1.representsconfusesinstructs the attitude of many young people entering the workforce—young men and women who were born in the 1970s—that the careers 2.prior toopen tounique to them are not meaningful.
Many adults believe these young people are lazy and happy to 3.live offlive inmake living the gains made by past generations,and these adults 4.have been givenhave givenare given this generation the name "Generation X".These adults often 5.yellboastdefine about working their way up from the bottom doing jobs like hauling and dumping trash.Other adults who have been working for 6.sometimesometimessome time can relate to the feelings expressed by the 7.youngyouthyouthful generation in the workforce and agree that things,8.in the endat firstin fact,have changed and jobs are becoming less 9.enjoyingenjoyedenjoyable.They blame the trend toward jobs with duties that are too narrow.In order for companies to 10.takedoachieve greater efficiency from their workers,each person must continuously do one task day in and day out.Many 11.wantlongdesire for more creative input and decision-making than what this model provides.In addition,many who have recently graduated from college find it 12.boringfrustratingconvincing when they find out they need to get further training just to get a job that pays less than $10 an hour.Companies are also employing more part-time workers 13.so thatso muchso what so that they don't have to pay as much as they pay a full-time worker.Unfortunately,14.even ifeveneven as someone wants to work their way up from the bottom in a company,it is hard to get the chance,15.becauseotherwiseeven short-term workers fill most beginning positions.
16.AgainstOppositeContrary to common belief,young people do not quit at the first sign of hard work and they don't 17.look around forlook down onlook up to "putting in their time".They do,however,call for more 18.trainingawardingrewarding careers.They want the same type of employment opportunities that existed for 19.priorbeforecontinuous generations.They want opportunities that demand courage and 20.changechallengecompete their creative spirit."I'm looking for a situation in which I can be recognized for my excellent abilities," said Lloyd Dobler.His statement expresses the hopes of those entering the workforce today.
“我不想卖任何东西,买东西,或作出任何作为一个职业生涯.我不想卖任何东西,或买了…或者买任何出售或…或作出任何出售或购买…或修理任何东西出售,购买,或.你知道,作为一个职业生涯,我不想那样做.”劳埃德多布勒,字符(人物)在电影中说什么,说.1.representsconfusesinstructs的态度,许多年轻人进入workforce-young男子和妇女谁是天生的在1970s-that择业2.前开tounique他们是没有意义的.许多人相信这些年轻人是懒惰的,快乐3.生活offlive inmake生活所取得的成果的过去几代,这些人4.已givenhave givenare给予这一代名为“一代”.这些人往往5.yellboastdefine工作的方式从底部做工作,像倾倒垃圾拖运.其他人谁已工作6.sometimesometimessome时间可以与所表达的感情的7.youngyouthyouthful代的劳动力和同意的东西,8.该方案首先事实,改变了,工作越来越少,9.enjoyingenjoyedenjoyable.他们责怪趋势工作与职责,太窄.为了让公司10.takedoachieve效率更高的工人,每个人必须不断地做一个任务,一天又一天.很多11.wantlongdesire更有创造性的输入和决策比这个模型提供.此外,许多谁最近从大学毕业,找到12.boringfrustratingconvincing当他们发现他们需要得到进一步的培训只是为了获得一份工作,收入低于10美元一小时.公司还雇用更多的兼职工人13.所以thatso对时什么使他们不必支付高达支付全职工人.不幸的是,14.即使有人想ifeveneven工作从底部的公司,很难获得机会,15.becauseotherwiseeven短期工人填补职位的最开始.16.againstoppositecontrary共同信仰,年轻人不要放弃在第一次签署的辛勤工作和他们不17.看看周围forlook下目击到“放在他们的时间”.他们,然而,更需要18.trainingawardingrewarding事业.他们要同一类型的就业机会,存在19.priorbeforecontinuous代.他们想要的机会,需要勇气和20.changechallengecompete他们的创新精神.”我正在寻找一个情况,我可以承认我的能力,说:”劳埃德多布勒.他的声明表示希望那些进入劳动力的今天.