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Xishui County Triangle Mountain National Forest Park is located south of the famous clock Mountains, Northern Song Dynasty pet medical security, the Qing Dynasty scholar Chen hang, well-known modern poets, scholars, democracy fighters heard more than one home - the eastern part of Hubei Province Xishui county is State AA-class tourist area and Huanggang City of patriotism education bases. 三角山是鄂东名山之一,素有黄州府“笔架山”之称,以雄、奇、秀著称,方圆60平方公里,有小大山峰28座,主峰海拔1055米,是浠水的最高山峰. Triangle Mountain is one of Eastern Hubei mountains, known as yellow state, "Beacon Hill" and said the male, surprising show of that area of 60 square kilometers, there are 28 big or small peaks, peak 1055 meters above sea level, is the Xishui the highest peaks. 境内山恋起伏,高峻险要,峰奇洞异、怪古嶙峋,风景秀丽,林木葱茏,气候宜人,夏季最高气温26℃―28℃,有名胜古迹、革命纪念遗址等旅游景观景点156处,是理想的旅游避暑胜地、休闲疗养之所. The territory of love and downs hill, strategically located and difficult high and steep peak奇洞different strange ancient rugged, beautiful scenery and verdant forests and pleasant weather, the summer maximum temperature 26 ℃ -28 ℃, there are attractions, sites to commemorate the revolutionary landscape of tourism attractions, such as 156, is an ideal summer resort tourism, leisure of the infirmary.
三角山人文资源丰富,自然景观奇特,优美动人的传说比比皆是. Hill Triangle rich human resources, unique natural landscape, the legend of the beautiful and moving everywhere. 李白、杜甫、苏东坡、欧阳修、杨六郎、陆羽、李时珍、吴承恩、陈沆、郑板桥等历代名人都到过此山,或吟咏景观,或题诗作赋,或旅游登高,或朝佛览胜,或访古探奇,留下了绚丽多彩的人文景观,许多诗痕词迹至今尚存于山崖石壁之上. Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Shi, Ouyang Xiu, Yang Rokuro, Lu Yu, Li, Wu Cheng-en, hang Chen, Zheng Banqiao and other famous people throughout history have been to this mountain, landscape or chant, or poem for Fu, or travel Denggao, or pilgrims览胜, or exploring visit to Cuba, leaving behind a gorgeous landscape, and many poems trace the word mark has been surviving on the cliff above the Shek Pik. “三角山摩崖石刻”被列为省级文物保护单位;著名的景点“笔架飞瀑”,壮观奇特,载入《中国名胜辞典》;“三角云开”被列为黄州府浠川八景之一;“白甫堡”为李白杜甫饮酒赋诗之处,至今遗址尚存;“西陵崖”有苏东坡、郑板桥题留的手迹;“采药石”、“疗虎沟”是李时珍当年采药留下的痕迹;“六一登高”传为欧阳修晚年登临三角山留下的石刻;北宋大文毫苏东坡在黄州为官时,春日登上三角山后,返程小憩于绿阳桥,曾填出著名词句《西江月》野弥弥浅浪,横空暖暖微宵,障泥未解玉骢骄,我醉欲眠芳草. "Triangular stone Cliff Mountain," was classified as a provincial heritage conservation units; well-known scenic spots "飞瀑penholder" strange spectacle, loading the "China famous dictionary"; "Yunkai triangle" was ranked Chuan Huang Eight of state changes a; "白甫fort" as Du Fu, Li Bai drinking赋诗the Department, has the remaining sites; "Xiling cliff of" Su, Zheng Banqiao handwriting questions remain; "old stone", "Daohugou treatment" is a year old Li traces left behind; "high 61" old age Xiu Chuan board for Triangle Hill stone left; Northern Song Da-Wen Su cents Huangzhou in the official, the spring board the triangle after the rest return to the Green-Yang Bridge, has been filling out the famous words "西江月" shallow indemnity indemnity wild waves and warm micro-横空night, Cong Yu unresolved impaired proud mud, I want to sleep Fangcao drunk. 可惜一溪明月,莫教踏破琼瑶,解鞍依枕绿杨桥,杜宇一声春晓. Unfortunately, a moon river, Mo踏破Qiongyao Education, Luk Yeung Sun solution pillow in accordance with the bridge saddle, Du A Chunxiao. 著名小说家吴承恩在蕲州荆王府任“荆府纪善”之职,为写古代长篇神话小说《西游记》曾到过此山,明代文学家、四川眉州知州陈仁近,清代清朝探花、上海道员、两江总督陈銮、台湾首任道员陈懋列、清代黄州知府梁文博、太平天国天王府掌书、鄂东著名机趣人物陈仰瞻、民国北京政府众议院院长汤化龙他们都曾来到三角山,或以文名著,或以事功显,留下了许多遗文遗迹. Wu Cheng-en's well-known novelist in the state of Qi Jing Ren Wangfu "Jing Ji-Shan House" post, in order to write a long myth of the ancient novel "Journey to the West" have been to this mountain, a writer in the Ming Dynasty, Sichuan near Meizhou Ren known state, the Qing Dynasty Qing Dynasty third overall, Shanghai Road, and two Governor Chen Jiang luang, Taiwan Road, the first listed member of Mao, Qing Liang Wenbo Huangzhou知府, Palace of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in charge of day book, the famous Eastern Hubei Fun Machine People Chen Yang Zhan, president of Beijing Government of the Republic House of Representatives They have all of Long Tom went to the triangular mountain, or in the text of famous book, or to Shigong significantly, leaving a number of relics left behind text. 三角山天然石洞引人入胜. Cave Hill Triangle fascinating natural. 主峰东南有老龙洞,进洞口是横的,上镌“松结龙源”四个字,出洞口是竖的,上刻“津液龙涎”四字. Longdong old south-east peak, into the hole is horizontal, on Juan "Pine knot Longyuan" words, the hole is vertical, and the inscription "ambergris body fluid" words. 洞有三泉其间烟云出没,当地人常据此预测阴晴. There are three holes which Stephen smoke areas, local people often clear one forecast. 洞有三泉其间烟云出没,当地人常据此预测阴晴. There are three holes which Stephen smoke areas, local people often clear one forecast. 令人惊奇的是龙洞的泉水象海水一样,一日分子时和午时两次涨潮,故有“子午泉”之称. Longdong Surprisingly, like the spring water as the sea, and at noon on the 1st two molecules high tide, it is "Stephen Ziwu" known. 涨潮时,随泉水溢出的泡沫中,杂的芦苇的列渣,更为龙洞增添了神秘的遐想. High tide, with the overflow of the foam springs, miscellaneous slag out of the reeds, the addition of more Longdong mysterious reverie.
三角山宗教资源丰富,宗教活动场所较多,是信男善女朝佛览胜的乐土,名山古寺,交相辉映. Triangle Hill religion is rich in resources, more sites for religious activities is a letter of good men and women of paradise览胜pilgrims, famous temple, add radiance to each other. 其中最负盛名的紫云禅寺、金轮寺、龙洞寺是鄂东地区重要的宗教活动中心. One of the most famous Ziyun Temple, Kingland Temple, Eastern Hubei Longdong Temple is an important center of religious activities. 紫云禅寺始建于唐太宗贞观三年(公元630年),至今已有1370年历史. Ziyun Zhenguan Monastery was built in three years, Tang (AD 630), has been the history in 1370. 传说祖师开山之时,有紫云萦绕山峰,故名紫云寺. Legendary founder of the mountains, there were lingering Ziyun peaks, named Ziyun Temple. 龙洞寺位于老龙洞西侧,始建于宋,传说开山之时,主持讲经手法,一对石笋由土而出,经久而没,云为神龙听经. Longdong Longdong Temple is located in the old west side, built in the Song, when the legendary mountains, preaching the auspices of the way, a pair of stalagmites from the soil out a long time and did not, cloud to listen by Shenlong. 自此龙洞寺名声大噪. Since Longdong Temple has become famous for. 此外,还有白支庵、天然庵、慈姑堂、五丰庵、观音阁、清风客等宗教寺观. In addition, there are white sticks Um, natural Um, Sagittaria together Ng Fung Um, Guanyinge, breeze off religious temples. 据史志载,兴盛时期三角山曾有“道人八百,和尚三千,游者如朝,朝者如市”的盛况. According to Shi on the Triangle Hill had flourished during the "Road 800, three thousand monks, who travel North Korea, North Korea, such as the city of" the event. 三角山战争遗址和革命遗迹众多,是革命根据地. Triangle Mountain Revolutionary War sites and monuments of many, is the revolutionary base areas. 三角山因其地势险要,易守难攻,是历代兵家必争之地,唐未农民起义军首领王巢、王仙芝战千里受挫,来到此山修整分兵,一个横扫江南,一个北取长安;元未时代义军将领徐寿辉率领的江淮义师曾多聚于此;清咸慧年间(公元1851―1861年),太平天国英王陈玉成、悍将李昭寿、陈洪曾率兵驻此,建城垒寨,重创清兵湘淮劲旅,至今寨墙城门保存完好,掩映于松林之中,时断时续,已成为历史遗迹,目睹依山而垒的石寨墙仿佛又看到了人喊马嘶、刀光剑影、杀声振天的古战场,令人顿然而生思古之幽情. Triangle Hill because of its strategically located and difficult terrain, easily defensible, it is vital importance military history, the Tang is not the military leader of peasant uprising Wang Chao, frustrated王仙芝war thousands of miles, came to this mountain分兵finishing a sweep Jiangnan, a North Changan check; Yuan Yijun no era generals, led by徐寿辉Jianghuai justice in this poly-Si-tsang; Qing Xian Hui-year period (1851-1861 AD), the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom King Yu-Cheng Chen, Heat昭寿Li, Chen Hong has been in this率兵built base Walled City and to re-Qing Xiang Huai strong, has well-preserved gate寨墙, nestled in the pine forests, and intermittent, has become historical monuments and witnessed the mountain and the stone base寨墙like to see people shouting and马嘶, continued to battle each other, vibration-day杀声ancient battlefields, Dayton is the exquisite feelings, however思古Health. 在历次革命战争时期,三角山均为革命的根据地,土地革命战争时期曾是鄂、豫、皖苏区的重要组成部分. Revolutionary War in the previous period, the triangular base of the mountain are the revolution, the Agrarian Revolutionary War was a period of Hubei, Henan, Anhui an important component of the Soviet Area. 红四军军长徐向前、红十五军军长蔡申熙和红二十八军军长、政委高敬亭各自均率部队在三角山驻扎过,打过游击;抗日战争和革命战争时期,三角山是革命根据地南部的一个重要阵地,是新四军和游击队开展对敌斗争的腹地. Xu Xiangqian红四军commander, the military commander Choi Hung申熙15 and 28 Red Army commander, political commissar of the高敬亭their rate of force are stationed in the Triangle Hill, and fought a guerrilla; Sino-Japanese War and the Revolutionary War, Triangle Hill revolutionary base is an important position in southern, is the New Fourth Army and the guerrillas carried out the heart of the struggle against the enemy. 民国二十九年(1940年)我党在这里建立了三角山区委(1941年改为特区工委),高敬亭、张体学、王全国、钟子恕等同志,曾在此指挥战斗. In二十九年(1940) I set up the party here Triangle Mountain District (1941 years to the SAR Working Committee),高敬亭, Zhang physical science, the National Wang, Zhong-shu and other comrades, had been fighting in this command. 当年的县抗日民主政府就设在东麓的李家宕,新四军五师师长、政委李先念同志曾在此亲临视察抗日斗争,现旧址尚存,是湖北省唯一仅存的抗日民主政府旧址,已列为重点文物保护单位. County, then the anti-Japanese democratic government based in the Li东麓dang, the New Fourth Army Division Five, political commissar, Comrade Li Xiannian inspected in this anti-Japanese struggle, is the former site of surviving, is the only remaining resistance in Hubei Province of democratic government site has been included as key units to be protected. “碧仙洞”是当时新四军的一个后方医院. "Bi-dong" of the New Fourth Army was a rear hospital. “革命洞”是民国三十二年(1943年),新四军五师十四旅政委张体学同志率领新四军41团、42团,在三角山一带坚持抗战,运筹帷幄,指挥战斗的地方. "Revolutionary hole" is in Thirty-two years (in 1943), the New Fourth Army Brigade 14 Division Five Zhang physical science, political commissar of the New Fourth Army led by Comrade 41 Mission, 42 Mission, in the Triangle, the area adhere to the Anti-Japanese War, planned strategies and fighting the local command. 民国36年(1947年)10月20日刘伯承挥师南下,在部署著名的“高山铺”战斗之余,曾在三角山古寨东门与三名警卫人员留影,这张珍贵的照片至今仍保留在中国革命军事博物馆里. In 36 years (1947) Liu Bocheng October 20 troops on the south, in the deployment of well-known "mountain shop" while the fighting was in the Triangle Mountain Guzhai Dongmen pictures and three security personnel, this precious photos are still in China's Revolutionary Military Museum. 东门现已辟为“刘伯承留影处”. East Gate is now into "pictures Liu Bocheng Department."
三角山森林景观独特,珍稀动物资源丰富,欣赏科研价值高. Triangle Mountain forest landscape unique and rare animals is rich in resources, appreciate the high value of scientific research. 三角山温暖湿润的气候条件和丰沃的土壤条件形成了丰富的植被,园内植物分布达138科496属1100多种,构成了森林景观丰富的美学资源,呈现出季相和色相的交替变化,一年四季景随季换,春光明媚,百草争春,山花烂漫,莺歌燕舞,松清竹翠;盛夏时节,凉风习习,气候宜人,居此避暑,此乐何极;秋高气爽,玉树琼花,于此红透,游人至此,心旷神怡;隆冬季节,银装素裹,玉树琼花,于此赏雪,胜似北国. Triangle Hill warm and humid climatic conditions and abundance of fertile soil conditions of the formation of a rich vegetation, the distribution of garden plants is 496 Section 138 of more than 1100 kinds, constitute a rich aesthetic landscape of forest resources, showing a quarter of the alternating phase and sex change , all year round with the quarter for King, beautiful spring, Baicao Zheng-chun, Yamahana brilliant, scene of prosperity, Cui Zhu Qing-Song; summer season, breezy and pleasant weather, home this summer, this music extremely Ho; autumn, Yushu Qionghua, Hongtoushan here, visitors now, relaxed and happy; winter season, snow, Yushu Qionghua, this赏雪, increasingly the North. 三角山珍稀植物资源丰富,欣赏科研价值高,有鄂东杉王“拨火棍”、生长千年的迎客松、云松和红茶花树,传为仙人所植的梭椤树,白果树,以及外形似竹,节内有人形的人竹等稀珍植物. Triangle Mountain Rare Plants in resource-rich, high value appreciation of scientific research, there are Eastern Hubei Shan Wang, "poker", welcoming the growth of thousands of pine trees Yunsong and tea, for the immortal by Chuan Zhi podophylla shuttle tree, white fruit trees, and may form bamboo-shaped section of people was thin bamboo plants Jane. 号称杉木之王“的拨火辊,树高20余米,过径5米,材积10.7立方米,有三百余年的历史.相传为明代三角寺的老和尚追赶神时,拿着拨火棍到此歇息,把拨火棍倒插在石板下,后生根入缝长成大树,至今树顶端两米长的树梢,呈黑色,不长枝叶,如火烧焦一般,甚为奇怪. 据调查,三角山有断板龟、锦鸡、红毛鸡等野生动物40多种.还盛产细辛、贝母、前胡、野生天麻等名贵中药材和林副土特产品.据传三角山远古时为东海,至今三角山林间还产着水乡特有的芦苇,芦苇丛中还夹杂着海螺壳.传为三角山僧人所食的“云雾菇”、“罗汉菜”、“海螺菜”为山中天然特产,其味道脆香甜爽口,但只宜素食,入荤则味道索然.当地流传有“入山不食三样菜,不算游了三角山”的顺口溜.三角山属大陆性季风气候,年平均降雨量1400毫米,年平均气温14.6℃,夏季气候凉爽,是理想的避暑疗养、游乐休闲场所. Known as the king of Chinese fir "fan the flames of the roll, height 20 meters, 5 meters off trail, volume 10.7 cubic meters, with more than 300 years of history. It is said that for the triangle in the Ming Dynasty Temple at the old monk to catch up with God, with the poker the rest, the poker was inserted under the stone, after the roots grow into a tree to crack, the tree has the top two meters of trees, was black, not long branches burned fiery general, very strange. According to the survey , triangular mountains broken plate turtles, Caragana, Hungmao chicken more than 40 kinds of wild animals and so on. breviscapus also rich, Fritillaria, imperatorin, wildlife and other valuable gastrodin Deputy native products of Chinese herbal medicines and Lin. rumored ancient hill triangle for the East China Sea since the middle triangle山林间also unique to the water reed, Phragmites australis leaves Shell also mixed with the sea. Chuan Shan monks for the Triangle by eating "mushroom cloud", "Ocean's food", "Conch dishes" for the mountains of natural specialty, the crispy sweet refreshing taste, but it should only vegetarian food, then taste to the meat dry. local spread of "the hills did not eat three vegetables, not a tour of the Triangle Mountain" of the jingle. Triangle Hill is continental monsoon climate, annual average rainfall volume of 100 millimeters, annual average temperature 14.6 ℃, the summer climate is cool and is an ideal summer convalescence, places to play and leisure.