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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:30:32
City traffic is a great problem. More cars are produced every year and the streets are getting more and more crowded. So during “rush hours”, when people are going to or from their work, traffic is brought to a standstill. It has been suggested that commuters--the people :who travel to work every day from outside the city—g should share their cars and give each other lifts. So each car would carry four or five people instead of only one. It is an excellent idea, however, so far nobody has been able to think of a way to make people do so.
To discourage motorists from leaving their cars in the streets all day, parking meters(停车计时表) are used. When you park at a meter, you must put a coin in the slot(投币口). This pays for a certain amount of time. The meter records this and it shows when the time that you have paid for is finished. If the car is still there then,you have to pay a fine.
Traffic wardens(交通监察员) look after the meters. They walk around the streets and check that every meter shows that money has been paid for the car parked there. .lf a meter shows ‘TIME EXPIRED’,the motorist who has left his car there is fined. Of course,he traffic warden can not wait for the owner of the car to return.He carries many a printed forms,and on one of these he writes down all the details, such as the number of the car, where it is parked, how much the driver must pay where he must send the money. He leaves this form on the car, where the driver will be able to see it easily; he usually pushes it under one of the windscreen wipers(雨刷)so that it will not he blown away. And in case it rains before the motorist returns,the form is put in a little plastic envelope to protect it. When the driver comes back, he gets an unpleasant surprise, but it is his own fault for leaving his car too long at parking meter.
为了阻止汽车停在街道上一整天,停车计时表出现了。当你在停车位泊车时,你必须把一枚硬币放入投币口 。这种支付了一定的停车时间。表记录下来这些,并显示可以停车的时间长短,如果到时还不开走,你必须支付罚款。
交通监察员管理着这些计时表。他们沿街巡游检查。看一辆停泊那里的车的钱是否已支付了 。 如果有表显示“超时”那么车主就得支付罚款了。当然,交通督导员不会等待车主返回,他带有许多印刷票据,他在票据上写下所有细节,如车牌号,在停泊地点,需要支付多少钱,到哪交费。他把票据放在车主容易看到的地方,通常是把它放在一个雨刷下面 ,这样,它就不会被吹走。在下雨情况下,它被装在小塑料封套里以保护它不被淋湿。当司机回来时,他得到一个令人不快的意外,但这是他自己的错,他的车在泊车表前停靠太长的时间了。