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英语完形填空A man played magic (魔术) for the passengers on a ship

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 10:24:39
英语完形填空A man played magic (魔术) for the passengers on a ship
A man played magic (魔术) for the passengers on a ship. He was very _____21_____ in his job, living in the best room and eating the best food. All was fine _____22_____ one day the captain brought a parrot. The parrot would _____23_____ each of his tricks very carefully and immediately call out after the trick, "It's in his pocket,"' or "It's down his trousers." Of course, life was no longer _____24_____ for him. He got very tired of the parrot and even wanted to kill it. Then one night the ship hit an iceberg and sank. Everyone was _____25_____ except for the man and the parrot. For a whole _____26_____ the man was unconscious (不省人事的) on a piece of wood, and all this time the parrot standing on that wood did not take his _____27_____ off him. The next morning the man woke up _____28_____ trying to sit up, he then noticed the parrot. "All right, you _____29_____..." cried the parrot“….. But what have you done with the _____30_____?"
( ) 21. A. helpful B. careful C. beautiful D. successful
( ) 22. A. after B. since C. until D. though
( ) 23. A. play B. look C. think D. watch
( ) 24. A. hard B. funny C. sweet D. boring
( ) 25. A. fallen B. killed C. broken D. sailed
( ) 26. A. day B. week C. month D. year
( ) 27. A. ears B. eyes C. head D. mouth
( ) 28. A. Slowly B. Quickly C. Happily D. Suddenly
( ) 29. A. lost B. won C. failed D. lived
( ) 30. A. captain B. wood C. ship D. trick
英语完形填空A man played magic (魔术) for the passengers on a ship
再问: 你确定答案都是对的么。
再答: 额,错了, -------------- 你知道还问, ----------- 一位魔术师在一艘小邮轮上工作,已有一两年的时间了。 这两年来,他每个晚上有一样的秀场,观众们都喜欢他。 不过,因为观众群经常的更换,所以他也就不必要急着学新戏法了。 但是,几年下来,坐在后排的鹦鹉经过长期的观察,终于看出了魔术师戏法的破绽,开始当众拆穿魔术师的把戏。 举个例子,当魔术师把一束花变不见时,这只鹦鹉会大叫说:“在他的后面!在他的后面!” 这可弄得魔术师火冒三丈,可是他也束手无策。鹦鹉是船长的,他动不了它一根寒毛。 有一天,这艘船漏水,结果沉了。 魔术师设法游到一块飘在水面上的木板,然后抓住木板。 这只鹦鹉正站在木板的另一端。 他们两个一路大眼瞪小眼的不说一句话。就这样在水上飘流三天。 就在第四天早晨,鹦鹉终于忍不住看着魔术师说:“算了,我投降了,你到底把船变到那里去了?”
再问: 那正确答案是否DCCCBABABC.不明白第三题,是think or look each of his tricks,不可能用look 吧= =
再答: 1、D 2 C 3 D 是观察,坐在后排的鹦鹉经过长期的观察,终于看出了魔术师戏法的破 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 A 9.B 10.C