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求英语作文how would i manage my pocket money 170字

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 19:33:15
求英语作文how would i manage my pocket money 170字
求英语作文how would i manage my pocket money 170字
Pocket money 当小家伙们上小学了,就开始有了金钱意识.像我小时候,就常向父母讨要零用钱,那么问题来了.父母该怎样给子女零花钱呢? Kids begin to ask their parents for allowances when they go to school. Take me for example,I always ask my parents for allowances when I was a child.But it brings a poblem is that how parents give their childs allowances? 我想,家长可以将零用钱分成两部分:1,让孩子通过做家务挣零花钱,这样,可以让孩子明白,钱没有白给的,都要用自己的努力赚取.2,孩子达到机本的日常好行为的奖励,如准时起床,收拾自己房间,自己洗衣服,这样也有利于子女从小养成良好的生活习惯. In my opinion,parents may divide their kids’allowancesinto two parts.One part is which kids could be got by doing housework.Through it ,kids will understand that no hard work ,no money.The other part ,rewards for kids’ good behaves ,such as getting upon time ,tidying their bedroomsthemselves,is favorable for them to form good living habits. 如何合理使用零花钱.比如,简单地规定零花钱的开支范围,和子女一起做一个简单的开支预算. 总之,不要把金钱这种能够自由获取物品的“力量”,随便交付给子女. How to make use of allowance reasonably?There are many approaches.For example,parents may make a budget with kids.Generally,parents should not give money,which has the power of getting anything easily and conveniently,to kids casually. 许多富人家庭常常给子女非常多的零花钱,几百几千,有求必应.这样宠着孩子,让他们从小产生错误的金钱观. Usually,these childs who born from the rich families always get a great amount of allowances,hundreds even thousands and their demands never be refused anytime. Spoiling kids like this will let them forming wrong idea of money. 一些短语:攀比气氛 拜金主义思想 childs are interested in comparing anything,no matter they have or not,with their classmates or friends.to find out whose is better. money is foremost,money is all