Who is the winner of the NBA?
来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/11/18 02:17:24
Who is the winner of the NBA?
楼主:一定是马刺卫冕总冠军!理由__本赛季凯尔特人不能夺冠最大的“致命伤”在于他们“板凳太浅”__查阅绿衫军输掉比赛的所有记录:不是“三巨头”之一因伤病缺阵就是三位角色球员中有某位发挥不好,包括输给西部排名第二的黄蜂以及输给没有了AI的、不为大多数球迷看好的76人队,都说明凯尔特人不具备连续“打硬仗”的能力以及球队状态起伏太大,您知道进入季候可以说场场比赛都至关重要,一场比赛或许决定了球队最后的“走势”;湖人队在得到加索尔后实力大增,但加索尔受伤的九胜比赛他们输掉了四场,而且关键时刻队友还是习惯将球队交给科比处理对加索尔缺乏应有的信任;而太阳在得到“大鲨鱼”后球队整体风格改变,纳什助攻明显减少而参与球队的进攻体系,在NBA的句名言:赢球靠防守,所以我个人认为:马刺将卫冕总冠军!理由:众所周知:马刺的比赛远不如湖人、太阳甚至凯尔特人好看,但没有球迷否认马刺是“季候赛球队”:越接近季候赛比赛打的越好,其次马刺还是联盟官方公布的“板凳深度”第一球队、又有总冠军“福将”霍里以及联盟最佳第六人吉诺比利,加上邓肯、鲍文、帕克等一批有总决赛经验又正处于当打之年加之磨合的非常默契的球员稳定发挥,会在西部“突围”进而问鼎“奥布莱恩杯” .
who is the winner?
Who is the winner?Why?(为什么)?
He is the only one of the students who has been a winner of
He is the only one of the students who ( ) a winner of schol
1.He is the only one of the students who ____a winner of sch
He is the only one of the students who _________ a winner of
i know the winner who is 还是i know who is the winner
( ) 22.He is the only one of the students who _____ a winner
一道英语单选题He is the only one of the students who ____ a winner
he is the only one of students who ____a winner of scholarsh
英语的~~1.He is only one of the students who _____ a winner of
who will be the winner?