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英语翻译THE CHINESE CHARACTERThere is a theory among Occidentals

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:33:55
There is a theory among Occidentals that the Chinaman is inscrutable,full of secret thoughts,and impossible for us to understand.It may be that a greater experience of China would have brought me to share this opinion; but I could see nothing to support it during the time when I was working in that country.I talked to the Chinese as I should have talked to English people,and they answered me much as English people would have answered a Chinese whom they considered educated and not wholly unintelligent.I do not believe in the myth of the "Subtle Oriental":I am convinced that in a game of mutual deception an Englishman or American can beat a Chinese nine times out of ten.But as many comparatively poor Chinese have dealings with rich white men,the game is often played only on one side.Then,no doubt,the white man is deceived and swindled; but not more than a Chinese mandarin would be in London.
One of the most remarkable things about the Chinese is their power of securing the affection of foreigners.Almost all Europeans like China,both those who come only as tourists and those who live there for many years.In spite of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance,I can recall hardly a single Englishman in the Far East who liked the Japanese as well as the Chinese.Those who have lived long among them tend to acquire their outlook and their standards.New arrivals are struck by obvious evils:the beggars,the terrible poverty,the prevalence of disease,the anarchy and corruption in politics.Every energetic Westerner feels at first a strong desire to reform these evils,and of course they ought to be reformed.
英语翻译THE CHINESE CHARACTERThere is a theory among Occidentals
有一种理论认为,除Occidentals支那是高深莫测,充满了秘密的想法,和我们不可能理解.这可能是一个更大的经验,中国将会给我带来了分享这个意见,但我什么也看不见,以支持它在的时候,我是在该国工作.我谈的中文为我应该讲英语的人,他们回答了我很多的人会英语回答了他们认为中国的教育,而不是完全无知.我不相信的神话,“隐蔽东方” :我相信,在一场比赛中相互欺骗一个英国人或美国人可以战胜了中国的9倍的10个.但是,正如许多比较贫穷的中国打交道的丰富的白人男子,游戏往往是只打了一方.然后,毫无疑问,白人是欺骗和欺诈,但不超过中文普通话将在伦敦举行.