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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 17:31:28
森林里住着兔子一家——兔妈妈和三个孩子.一天,兔妈妈对孩子说:“我出去采点青菜,你们在家把门关好,妈妈没回来,谁来也不开门.”The forest is home to a family of rabbits and three children -- the mother rabbit. One day, mother rabbit said to the child: "I go out for some green vegetables, you close the door at home, my mother did not come back, who also don't open the door."过了一会儿,兔妈妈提着一篮子青菜回来了.她边敲门边唱:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开,快点儿开开,妈妈要进来.”三只小兔子一听,知道是妈妈回来了,赶紧把门打开.After a while, the rabbit mother carrying a basket of vegetables back. She knocked at the door while singing: "little rabbit, please open the door, quickly open, mom to come in." Three little rabbits listens, know the mother came back, to open the door.这时,一只大灰狼躲在大叔的后面偷听了兔妈妈唱的歌.它眼珠一转,打起坏主意来:“啊哈,这下我有好吃的啦!”Then, a big grey wolf hiding in the back to Uncle mother rabbit songs. It had a turn, playing bad idea: "aha, I have to eat!"第二天,兔妈妈要出门去采蘑菇.大灰狼偷偷地看着兔妈妈走远了,很快就溜到它家的门口.The second day, mother rabbit to go to mushroom. The big bad wolf secretly looked at the mother rabbit walked away, quickly slipped into it at the door of the house.大灰狼模仿兔妈妈的声音,边敲门边唱道:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开,快点儿开开,妈妈要进来.”Rabbit brother from the door to look outside, said: "it is not the mother, the big bad wolf!"兔弟弟和兔妹妹一听,说:“是妈妈回来了,快点开门.”兔哥哥立刻阻止道:“不对,不对,这不是妈妈的声音.”Three little rabbits in chorus to sing: "do not open it will not open, my mother did not come back, who do not open." The wolf was so anxious: "I am your mother!"兔弟弟从门缝里往外一看,说:“真的不是妈妈,是大灰狼!”三只小兔子齐声唱起来:“不开不开就不开,妈妈没回来,谁来呀不开.”The wolf was so anxious: "I am your mother!" The three rabbit said: "we can't, your tail to let us have a look."大灰狼一听急了:“我是你们的妈妈!”三只小兔说:“我们不行,你把尾巴伸进来让我们看看.”大灰狼连忙把尾巴从门缝中伸了进去.The wolf at the tail sticking out the door. The wolf at the tail sticking out the door. Three little rabbits saw big furry tail, to board his grip, wolf called Aoao pain.三只小兔看到毛茸茸的大尾巴伸进来了,赶紧用木板使劲夹住,大灰狼疼得嗷嗷之叫.This is, mother rabbit back, picked up a big branch towards the wolf on the beat to beat the wolf, two eyes straight stars, had to break the tail to escape.这是,兔妈妈回来了,捡起一根大树枝朝狼头上狠狠打去,打得大灰狼两眼直冒金星,只得挣断尾巴逃跑了.事后,兔妈妈表扬了小兔们都是听话的乖宝宝.This is, mother rabbit back, picked up a big branch towards the wolf on the beat to beat the wolf, two eyes straight stars, had to break the tail to escape. Afterwards, mother rabbit praised bunnies are obedient girl.