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如何学好英语 演讲稿、7分钟左右汉语 不要太短(初二·)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 12:29:37
如何学好英语 演讲稿、7分钟左右汉语 不要太短(初二·)
后天就用啦!最好从单词 句子 读 写 几个方面
大体的也行 但得有文章结构啊 我再填字数
如何学好英语 演讲稿、7分钟左右汉语 不要太短(初二·)
从前 , 有一棵树 ...
A Long time ago , there was a huge tree
It loved little boy very much ,
the boy loved to come and play around it everday
她好爱一个小男孩 , 小男孩每天都会跑来
他收集她的叶子 , 把叶子编成皇冠 ,
He climbed to the treetop
男孩会爬上树干 , 会抓着她树枝荡秋千
吃吃苹果 Ate the apple
玩的累了 , 男孩就在她的树阴下睡觉
Take a nap under the shadw
He loved the tree . 男孩好爱这棵树
好爱好爱 ! 树好快乐 ! the tree was so happy !
Time went by ...
One day ,
the boy came back to the tree
树说 : 来阿 , 孩子 , 爬上我的树干 ,
抓着我的树枝荡秋千 , 吃吃苹果 , 在我的树阴下玩耍
快乐乐的 !
The tree said " Come and play with me "
" I an no longer a kid ,
I do not play around a tree anymore "
我不是小孩子了 , 我不要和树玩
我要钱 , 你可以给我一些钱吗 ?
" I want toys . I need money to buy them ."
Sorry , but I do not have money ...
but you can pick all my apples and sell them
So , you wlii have money .
" 真抱歉 " 树说 " 我没有钱 , 我只有树叶和苹果
孩子 , 拿我的苹果到城里去卖吧 . 这样 , 你就会有钱了 ."
The boy was so excited . He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily
于是男孩爬到树上 , 摘下她的苹果 , 把苹果通通带走了.
树好快乐 !
The tree was happy !
The boy never came back after picked the apples .
男孩好久都没有再来 ...
树好难过 ! The tree was sad .
One day , the boy who now turned into a man returned and the tree was excited
" Come and play with me " the tree said .
有一天 , 男孩回来了 , 树高兴的发抖
她说 : 来阿孩子 , 爬上我的树干 , 抓着我的树枝荡秋千 , 快乐乐的
" 我太忙 , 没时间爬树 " 男孩说
" 我想要一间房子保暖 " 他说 " 我想要妻子和小孩 " 所以我需要一间房子
你可以给我一间房子么 ?
I do not have time to play . I have to work for my family .
We need a house for shelter .
Can you help me ?"
" Sorry , but I do not have any house .
" 我没有房子 " 树说 " 森林就是我的房子 , 不过你可以砍下我的树枝去盖房子
这样你就会快乐了 !"
But you can chop off my branches to build your house ."
So the man cut all the branches of zhe tree and left happily .
于是男孩砍下了她的树枝 , 带走树枝去盖房子
树好快乐 !
The tree was glad to see him happy but the man never came back since then
The tree was again lonely and sad .
One hot summer day
the man returned and the tree was delighted .
一个夏天 , 男孩回来了 , 树快乐的几乎说不出话来 .
" 来阿孩子 " 她轻轻的说 " 过来 , 来玩阿 !"
" Come and play with me !" the tree said .
" I am getting old . I want to go sailing to relax myself .
Can you give me a boat ?" said the man .
" 我又老又伤心 , 玩不动了 " 男孩说 " 我想要一条船 , 可以带我远离这里
你可以给我一跳船么 ?
" 砍下我的树干去造条船吧 ." 树说
" Use my trunk to build your boat ." hte tree said .
" You can sail far away and be happy !"
" 这样你就可以远航 , 你就会快乐 !"
于是男孩砍下了她的树干 , 造了条船 , 坐船走了
很久都没有回来 .
So the man cut the tree trunk to maje a boat .
He went sailing and showed up for a long time
Finally , the man returned after many years .
" Sorry , my boy . But I do not have anything for you any more .
No more apples for you ..." the tree said .
过了好久好久 , 男孩又再回来了
" 我很抱歉 , 我的孩子 ." 树说 " 我已经没有东西可以给你了 , 我的苹果没有了
" 我的牙齿也咬不动苹果了 ."
" 我的树枝也没了 , 你不能再在上面荡秋千了 ."
" 我太老了 , 不能在上面荡秋千 ."
" No pro blem , I do not have any teeth to bite " the man replied ...
" 我的树干没了 " 树说 " 你也不能爬上来了 ."
" No more trunk for you to climb on " " I am too old for that now " the man said .
" 我太老了 , 爬不动的 ." 男孩说 .
" 我真希望我能给你什么 , 可我什么也没有了 . 我只剩下一块老树根 , 我很抱歉 "
" I really cannot give you anything ... theonly thing left is my dying roots " the tree said with tears .
" I do not need much now , just a place to rest . I am tired after all the se years " the man replled .
" 我现在要的不多 " 男孩说 " 只要一个安静 , 可以坐着休息的地方 , 我好累好累 ."
" 好阿 " 树一边说 , 一边努力挺直身子
" 正好阿 , 老树根是最适合坐下来休息的 , 来阿孩子 , 坐下来 , 坐下来休息 ."
" Good ! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest ,
Come , come sit down with me and rest ."
The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears ...
男孩坐了下来 , 树笑着,眼中却含满泪水 ...
再问: 我问的是如何学好 ok?
再答: 额,随便挑一个你喜欢的欧美剧的演员边看他的电影,一边看着英文字幕模仿
再问: 跟欧美剧有关系吗 我又不要文章 而且使用中文写 问的是方法!!!!!!!! 你理解有问题啊
再答: 实在不懂。。。抱歉 Ps:好歹我也是语文年级前十,用不用这么。