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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/27 23:24:24
(一)工作日安排乙方延长工作时间的,支付乙方不低于工资的 15O%的工资报酬:
(二) 休息目安排乙方工作的,安排乙方同等时间补体或者支付乙方不低于工资的 200%的工资报酬
(三) 法定节假日安排乙方工作的,支付乙方不低于工资的300%的工资报酬.
Article VI emergency A Party shall provide Party B comply with the national occupational safety and health conditions and necessary labor protection articles.Arrange Party B to engage in occupational hazards.Periodic health checks for the B.
Article VII of the possible occupational hazards Party positions,Party B shall fulfill the obligation to truthfully inform,and B for occupational safety and health education,prevention,the process of work accidents and reduce occupational hazards strict implementation of
Article VIII Party national,provincial and municipal industrial accidents and occupational diseases reporting system.B work in the production of {},we must strictly abide by the rules of safe operation.on Party Management illegal command,forced dangerous operations,the Party has refused to implement extreme,the labor contract is not regarded as rebels.
Article XV Party A arranged Party B to work longer hours or on rest days,statutory holiday,compensatory leave or B should be arranged according to the law in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State shall pay overtime wages.that is:
(a) Party B to work longer hours working arrangements,and to pay wages not less than B 15O% of the wages paid:
(b) of the rest work project Arrangements B,B the same time complement the arrangements or pay no less than B 200% of wages wages
(c) a statutory holiday arrangement B to work,pay Party B salary of not less than 300% of the wages.
Article XVI resistance Party of the normal wage adjustment mechanism.In the labor contract period,a parties in accordance with national,provincial and municipal regulations.as the production operations and work performance of Party B,Party B's remuneration appropriate adjustments.
英语翻译1.乙方应当根据甲方的要求,为甲方指派符合条件的人员.如乙方为甲方指派之人员不符合甲方要求的条件或无法为甲方提供 英语翻译一:工作内容,要求和工作地点.1、乙方同意甲方工作需要,从事管理岗位工作.乙方的工作地点位于浙江省.乙方须根据甲 英语翻译甲方和乙方合股开餐馆 双方各占一半50的股权 以后所有的盈利都各占一半请帮忙翻译成英文 英语翻译第六条 违约责任1、因甲方未建成本协议第三条所示“六通一平”用地条件,影响乙方开工建设并给乙方造成经济损失的,甲 英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产 英语翻译请翻译成英文 :甲方在文莱国的办公室同时为乙方在文莱国的代表处,乙方在北京的办公室同时为甲方在中国的代表处 甲方乙方 经典片段的英文台词 英语翻译租房协议的一项:租赁期满,乙方按时将房屋归还甲方,如乙方需续租须提前半个月,与甲方协商,在同等条件下,乙方有优先 英语翻译甲方按照乙方提供的内、外包装、塑料件、电脑板英文资料等印制,但须在交付订金前交付甲方.甲方负责协助乙方办理船运代 英语翻译这句话翻译成英文付款条件:乙方收到货物的次月30日前一次性将100%的货款用电汇形式汇入甲方指定的外汇银行账号 《甲方乙方》的主题是什么 请问“如乙方违约,甲方将保留继续追究法律责任的权利”这个怎么翻译成英文?