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英语小短文阅读理解,"Listen,that's not right." "Look,you don't underst

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 06:20:45
"Listen,that's not right." "Look,you don't understand!" "Sorry,Idon't follow."
Are thesethree speakers,who are just chatting naturally,actually revealing what manypeople believe is their dominant thinking and learning style?Many educators,who research in this field say that everybody has one of three basic ways ofprocessing the world:visual,auditory or kinaesthetic.Students who find theirdominant learning style can make their learning more efficient.
The VisualLearner:"Look,you don't understand!"
The visuallearner tends to learn by watching and copying what others do; they usuallydraw diagrams,maps and pictures rather than taking notes in words.They have arich imagination,they tend to see pictures in their head and daydream incolour; they notice changes in people and places quickly; they remember facesnot names; they write neatly and need a tidy environment to work in,but theylike to surround themselves with colour,art and pictures; they doodle a lot.
TheAuditory Learner:"Listen,that's not right."
Theauditory learner prefers to listen to explanations,enjoys conversations,usually talks very well,with a wide vocabulary.They tend to move their lipswhen they read and often talk to themselves; they usually remember names ratherthan faces; they prefer listening to music to looking at art and pictures,butwhen they are studying,music distracts them; they hum a lot.
TheKinaesthetic Learner:"Sorry,I don't follow you."
Kinaestheticlearners are used to doing things physically,not listening to explanations orwatching demonstrations.They like to move around when they are reading or walkup and down while trying to memorise things; they tend to touch and hug peoplea lot.
They oftenprefer sports to cinemas and concerts and may lose concentration quickly if theydon't study in the right way.
Do yourecognise yourself in one of the descriptions above?Three students took the testsand this is what they said.
The visuallearner:
My teacheralways used to tell me off for doodling - now I realise it helped meconcentrate.
Theauditory learner:
Thecoursebooks,which my colleagues found very interesting,were useless for me.Ididn't want to read and take notes.I just wanted to discuss the ideas.
Thekinaesthetic learner:
A teacher,who knows about learning styles suggested that I tape the lectures and listento them when I am jogging.
28.Whichof the following describes best the auditory learners?
A.Theylike to watch and listen to what others do.
B.Theyprefer to listen rather than watch.
C.Theylike both music and pictures.
D.Theyusually talk less.
29.Thekinaesthetic learner tends to _________.
A.listento explanations and enjoy conversations
B.memorise things via pictures
C.do morephysical exercises