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高一难度英语作文英语比赛通知 目的为了提高口语 报名时间:五月25前 地点,学生会办工室 比赛时间,6月9日4点 地点,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 20:16:57
英语比赛通知 目的为了提高口语 报名时间:五月25前 地点,学生会办工室 比赛时间,6月9日4点 地点,教学楼5楼礼堂 参加范围,高中学生,组织者,学生会 奖励:前五名
高一难度英语作文英语比赛通知 目的为了提高口语 报名时间:五月25前 地点,学生会办工室 比赛时间,6月9日4点 地点,
这是我自己亲自写出,在我学校作文比赛获奖的一篇作文,希望会帮到你,放心,我在新加坡,离你可远了,不会有人在意或知道这是别人的 (: 加油! As instructed, I made my way through the ‘human jam’ to the canteen. Old, unappealing and stuffy. That was the first impression I had of it. The tables and chairs were in faded colours, the food stalls provided a limited variety of food and there were insufficient fans resulting in poor ventilation. “Why on earth did they choose this place?” I grumbled to myself. I sighed, for it was going to be as boring as it has been annually. I seated myself where we were allocated to and kept silent, observing everyone else quietly, as though I was expecting something unusual to happen. Shortly after, another group of people sat behind our table and out of curiosity, I peeked at them. There were three boys and two girls in school uniform. Two of the boys were twins and they both had an identical birthmark on their faces. It looked like a distorted crescent and it was above their right eyes. The twins had thick eyebrows with bright blue eyes, sharp noses and thin lips. They did not look local, yet there was something about them that made me feel they were Singaporeans, perhaps they were permanent residents. Sandwiched in between them and the other two girls was a tall and handsome boy with broad shoulders and a devilish grin. He appears to have something planned. Beside him, the two girls were chattering non-stop about some attack. I was startled when I heard one of them say, “We should attack everyone! Just make sure no one knows who is the mastermind. Or maybe we could steal”. The two girls looked so nave and innocent, I never expected them to be so dangerous and evil. Then I watched them starting their meeting after ordering some food. The twins started off their conversation by saying they were the oldest and should get to decide, suggesting cut off something, but I could not hear clearly subsequently as the canteen became noisier as more people swarmed in, packing all the available seats. The other boy disagreed and quoted some Chinese proverbs about how one must be upright and not do underhanded things. He spoke with a very determined voice and in such a tone he sounded like a good and upright person. “How could he associate himself with such bad company?” I thought. Then the other two girls cut in, one slamming the table and clenching her fists, saying arrogantly that they could steal something from this place, the other saying softly, in a mouse-like tone that she was really afraid and she did not want to take the risk. Clearly she and the other handsome boy were the only ones with a conscience. She mentioned unconfidently, shifting uncomfortably from time to time, that she was afraid that she would be implicated, that it was against her conscience, that her parents would be upset if they knew, supporting the other boy. I could slowly picture their personalities from the way they spoke, and the way they behaved. The twins were self-centered and arrogant, just like one of the other girl. However, the other girl was more rugged and gave me the impression of some mafia lady-boss. The handsome guy had leadership potential and good moral values, being very gentle and upright. The last girl lacked confidence and faith in herself, seemingly the weakest. Slowly, I noticed the last girl and the handsome boy were rather close. Were they siblings? I twitched my eyebrows. Their personalities were pretty similar, and they had some identical facial features too, and then I heard him tell her, “Inform Mother not to cook our dinner tonight.” Well, most likely it seemed so. Following, my gaze fell upon the twins. I wondered if they had telepathy, for they seemed to be sharing the same thoughts and both had the behavior of a bully. Then I heard them quarrel again and eventually they came to a decision. They decided to respect the handsome boy as he had more experiences, and I could see the unwilling and “black” faces they had, as their conversation ended and there was an awkward silence. After a few moments, a bell rang. It was the signal. I snapped out of my thoughts, pondering about their conversation and followed the crowd for further instructions. Our team leader came back with a slip. Our opponent was going to be that team I had been observing. I flashed a big smile and said, “This is going to be interesting”. It was also to my relief, now that I realised that they did not use their previous strategy of cutting off our chance to score any triple word tiles or stealing ideas of words from posters or anything around in the competition venue. Confidently, I postured myself and prepared for the competition. Finally, I was going to have a different and interesting experience for this annual International Scrabble Competition.
英语作文写一篇羽毛球比赛通知,具体内容:比赛时间:11月6日下午2:30.比赛地点:学校体育馆.3:想参加的同学星期五前 跪求100词左右的英语作文!以学生会身份拟一份通知.时间2011年12月5日,地点教学楼二楼... 英语作文请以学生会的名义写一份通知,原定12月18日上午举办英语演讲比赛,改为到12月22日下午,地点为教学楼三楼一层的 英语翻译谁帮我把这个翻译成英语,救急.通知.我是学生会主席,我们将举办一次英语讲座.时间 :2006年10月7日.地点: 写一篇英语通知学生会成立英语俱乐部的通知.包括目的,活动内容,成员要求,截止时间为2011年9月20日. 英语作文、学生会通知、英语演讲比赛 用英语写作文通知请用英语为学生会写一个通知,时间为10月21日,内容:明天上午9点在学校会议室召开各班班长会议;全体学生 英文通知活动:英语演讲会.时间:星期四 10月26日 8点到10点 .地点:210演讲室.报告人:北京外国语大学许教授. 英语讲座广播通知英语作文 内容要点:1时间10月15日下午3:30 2地点:学校礼堂 3讲座内容美国社会问题 求救……谢谢,写一份英语作文,要求:以外语系办公室名义写一份会议通知,时间2012年12月3日,地点 求一英语作文 通知 假定你校学生会于5月8日,参加郑州绿愽园 请以学生会名义写一则通知 求英语作文英语作文关于班级活动通知,活动地点中山公园,时间五月七号上午九点到十一点,活动内容湖边植树,保洁公园,浇花树.