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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 11:53:30
天涯何处无芳草 的翻译 There are plenty more fish in the sea.(源自牛津高阶英汉双解词典)
Fragrant patches of grass can be found everywhere.
苏东坡的 蝶恋花
蝶恋花 苏轼
1.Butterflies Love Flowers (Song)Su Shi
The flowes are a faded red
And green apricots are small .
Circle the house girt by blue water .
The willow catkins have mostly blown away in the wind .
Fragrant patches of grass can be found everywhere like mint .
Swings within the garden wall and footpaths without .
Passers-by taking the footpaths
Hear laughter from fair ladies on the other side .
But the laughter dies away and and voices are still .
Too mush feeling be bothered by the unfleeling will .
2.Departing spring
Red flowers fade,green apricots appear still small
When swallows pass
Over the water that surrounds the garden wall.
Most willow catkins have been blown away,alas!
But there is no place where grows not the sweet green grass.
Without the wall there is a road,within a swing.
A passer-by
Hears a fair maiden's laughter in the garden ring,
The ringing laughter fades to silence by and by,
For the enchantress our enchanted can only sigh.