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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:34:29
题目是Improving Listening and Expressing Skills in Interpretation
这是一篇Listening Skills and Leadership里的相关段落:
Listening skills are important in management and in developing leadership skills because managers and administrators must rely on information as it is relayed from their staff,co-workers and colleagues.One research study frames the importance of listening skills in this way:"The average individual spends from 42 to 60 percent of daily communication time listening...Yet most people are inefficient listeners; they forget,ignore,or misunderstand up to 75 percent of what they hear..." (Lynott,1998,para.5).That is a large percentage of information that is either forgotten or generally unheeded.
这是Effective Listening Skills in the Workplace Environment里的:
In the work place environment,there are many factors that help determine an organization's ability and skill in maintaining the stability and organization among its employees/members.One of these factors includes attaining an organizational communication process through effective communication skills.The most prominent forms used by most organizations are the development of verbal and non-verbal communication since these are the most obvious ways of communication that provide a dialogue for employees and the management in an organization.However,what is not realized by both the employees and management is that listening is one important communication aspect that precedes verbal and non-verbal communication.This means that in order to attain effective communication verbally or non-verbally,communicators must first learn to listen in order to assess carefully the issues at hand and the required action that must be taken
这是Effective Listening Skills里的:
Listening is the awareness of,the tendency to,the organization of,and the operationalization of data entering our nervous system via our hearing mechanism.Unlike hearing which is a physiological passive activity,listening is an active cognitive process" (Petrass 1999).We spend much of our time having to listen.Listening is critical in almost all activities of our lives- in attending meetings and conferences,lectures,in giving and receiving instructions,and helping staff and customers.Listening is hard work and takes energy and effort.Effective listening requires certain skills that must be practiced.One must be able to do nothing but listen with all his attention and concentration.Johnson (1996) says,"The contrast between hearing and really listening can be as different as night and day
这是Interpersonal Skills中的:
What is clear from various articles an references that one can read about the importance of using and improving interpersonal skills is that,more than ever,you'll be left behind if you don't have those skills.Computers alone cannot communicate a personal approach - the dedication and loyalty,the know-how,and the ability to deal with members of your team,as well as those above and below you on the job.One has to think of the late President Ronald Reagan,who was known as "The Great Communicator" because,regardless of his politics and policies,he had the knack of communicating so everyone seemed to approve,at least of how he said what he had to say.There are not enough "good" communicators today.It is really important that managers or would-be managers,or those studying business in schools spend a lot of time learning how to deal both with their bosses as well as subordinates
In his essay "",Mailloux is trying to establish what interpretation actually means and how people do it.He first defines the most common meaning of interpretation,which is to translate.Interpretation is essentially a word that has been translated from Latin,where its original meaning was "explanation".Mailloux presents the idea that interpretation is a translation of a text,for an audience that desires a translation