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徐州名胜古迹介绍 英文版

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徐州名胜古迹介绍 英文版
徐州名胜古迹介绍 英文版
  Xuzhou Huang Floor
  In urban ancient Yellow River Promenade in Xuzhou, a towering double eaves of the Antique tower. This is the 1988 restoration of the Yellow House. The history of the yellow home is 900 years ago Xuzhou知府Sushi led people to overcome floods in Xuzhou, in the Song Shenzong yuan Harvest (1078) in Xuzhou City in August on the construction of the East Gate. Because soil can grams of water, painted loess, named Huang floor. There are many inscriptions yellow building, the most famous of them to write a few Suzhesuan, Su Shi wrote the book "Yellow House Fu." "Yellow House to celebrate the" Ancient Eight Sights has become one of Xuzhou.
  云龙公园在解放前是耶稣教和佛教墓地。1958年,徐州市人民政府为满足人民对文化娱乐活动的需要,发动全市人民义务劳动. 置水榭、辟花圃、堆山岛、建桥廊,广植树木,逐步形成了供游客游览观赏和市民休息的风景优美之所。 云龙公园采用自然是园林布局手法,有盆景园、知春岛、荷花厅水榭、假山花廊、花圃、游乐区6个景区。盆景园,又名“以林”,位于东大门内北侧,是我市独具特色的盆景专类园。总面积13800平方米,其中水面4300平方米,1982年建成开放。园内建筑为岭南派风格,山水相映成趣,景点错落有致,如诗如画,园中陈列和展出的3000余件具有浓厚地方特色的盆景作品,令人啧啧称奇。知春岛景区,面积500平方米,因多植迎春、春梅等早春花木,故名。
  Swallow House Park
  Swallow Park is the original floor Yunlong Park, Park Road in the urban area tomb south东临云龙山, South by Sudi, north wedging urban area of 361 acres, of which the surface area of 120 acres, the development is completed earlier city , close to downtown, the larger integrated Park.年接待游客volume of 1.7 million times.
  Yunlong Park before liberation that Jesus taught and Buddhist cemetery. In 1958, Xuzhou Municipal People's government to meet the people's need for cultural entertainment, the city launched the voluntary labor. Home水榭, the provision garden, heap Hill Island, bridge construction Gallery, planting of trees, and gradually formed a tour for tourists and the public viewing the rest of the scenic. Yunlong Park garden layout is the natural way a bonsai garden,知春Island, the lotus Office水榭, rockeries Flower Gallery, garden, amusement parks, six scenic areas. Bonsai Garden, also known as the "forest" in the north east entrance, the city is unique category of the bonsai garden. A total area of 13,800 square meters, of which water 4,300 square meters, 1982 completion and opening up. Park construction is岭南派style landscapes matched spots错落有致, Poem picturesque, in the Park display and the more than 3,000 pieces on display with a strong local flavor bonsai works, it is amazing.知春Island area, a size 500 square meters, more planting because of Spring Festival, Chun-mei, and other early spring flowers,故名.
  泉山Forest Park
  泉山Forest Park is national forest parks around the city of Xuzhou the main scenic areas, in the urban area, the south, a total area of 3500 Ms acres.泉山by five peaks form, also known as "五老峰" for the first Pengcheng Hill. Park beautiful natural landscape, flora and fauna is rich in resources, Fitch said, "" Natural Oxygen-bar, a "Green, Ki, Sau, unseen, Wild" features, have been established in recent years for the provincial environmental education and popular science education bases.
  PANG pay homage Park
  泉山Forest Park is national forest parks around the city of Xuzhou the main scenic areas, in the urban area, the south, a total area of 3500 Ms acres.泉山by five peaks form, also known as "五老峰" for the first Pengcheng Hill. Park beautiful natural landscape, flora and fauna is rich in resources, Fitch said, "" Natural Oxygen-bar, a "Green, Ki, Sau, unseen, Wild" features, have been established in recent years for the provincial environmental education and popular science education base
  Kindly aids the hut
  Kindly aids the hut, the other name five harmful things temple.Is located the Hsuchou city therefore the Yellow River east bank, thedrumtower area big jetty head 地藏 in. The beginning constructs atclearly faces upwards to open for four years, latter because theyellow river water is in flood is submerged.
  The Qing Dynasty Qian Long 27 years (in 1762) reconstructed. Extantmain hall three, the post and panel structure, 抱柱 holds up theporch, the small tile covers goes against, clear water keel. In thepalace has "Reconstructs Kindly Aids Hut 碑记" tripartite, inscribedtext record: Kindly aids the hut, first clearly hoves temple put up byan individual of the person also, because the year old long wind andrain devastates 兼之 silt of the yellow river water not to have,only some Chinese style pavilion gorgeously alone saves. 庵主 atrillion Switzerland holds sparsely 募化. Concentriily has LiuMenzhang and so on to cheerfully help, to the order remodels.Inscription for clear Qian Long 27 years chrysanthemum month (inSeptember).
  The courtyard memory had the Ming Dynasty Chongzhen nine (in 1636)relic lotus flower 石幢, set free a captured animal for the donorwith the stone carving lotus flower pond, meteorolite at the sameplace. The Sino-Japanese War period Hsuchou falls to the enemy, thelotus flower pond smuggle by the Japanese invaders Japan, 石幢because the common people bury underground, can fortunately survive.
  In this outer court also has red leaves 古树 which the famine yearmay test, now as before plainly stands upright, the young personreflects item.
  Has more than 300 years history kindly to aid the hut ancient temple,has been through repeatedly a trillion Switzerland, sense isauspicious, prosperous Xiu, prosperously opens, source sensitive fiveabbot/abbess repairs many times with the extension, existing大雄宝殿, the pharmacist palace, three temples, read the hall forworshipping buddha, the Buddhist priests and laymen Laos room and soon a set of complete religious activities place and the life facility.
  Kindly aids the hut existing 12 Nepal teachers, abbot/abbess for canproclaim the master.