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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 02:33:35
因为平时不认真读书,违反校纪校规 不热爱学习而导致中考考得不好上不了重点高中 家长要我写一篇英语检讨书。字数不用太多呢 200到300字嘛 主要是写好自身反省和将来的打算怎样努力等 。 大家一定要帮我啊 明天就要交了 麻烦了!!!麻烦了!!!
Dear Dad and Mum,
I'm sorry to have made you disappointed and unhappy because of my failure in the entrance exam to the important senior high school.
I have learnt about the reasons for my failure. I had no interest in my study though I knew knowledge is very important. At school I didn't work hard at my lessons at all and as a result I couldn't understand the knowledge points I should have mastered.What's worse, I often disobeyed the school rules and regulations and caused much trouble for you and my teachers. At the moment I feel regretful that I didn't have a rich and meaningful junior middle school life.
I know there is no medicine for my regrets in the world, so I will change myself from now on. I will make a careful plan to make up for my lost time and my lessons. I will make full use of this summer vaction to learn my lessons and try to cultivate my interest in my study. I will learn to control myself and behave myself well, trying not to give you any trouble. Simultaneously I will do as much housework as I can to help ease you of tiredness.
Sorry, mum and dad. I hope you will soon have a pleasant son.