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找错 Hadn't it rained yesterday,I would have come on time

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:28:22
找错 Hadn't it rained yesterday,I would have come on time
找错 Hadn't it rained yesterday,I would have come on time
Hadn't 应该改为haven't,这句话,应该是现在说的.
if it haven't rained yesterday,I would have come on time
后半句,I would have come on time用了虚拟语气,
再问: 为什么。。改wouldn't行吗
再答: 改成wouldn't的话,意思就成了”如果昨天没下雨的话,我就不能准时到了“ 这与事实情况不符哦, 没下雨,反而不能准时到,下雨就能准时到,意思好像不通
再问: 你确定?All that you told the children last time were interesting 哪错
再答: were改为was All that you told the children last time was interesting =what you told the children last time was interesting what 引导的主语从句作主语时,谓语应该用单数, 因为该从句所表达的内容被视为“一件”事情