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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 11:38:42
我对爱的理想 是要做回小小的女儿 寻找到一个父亲一样的男子 过马路的时候牵住我的手 在饭桌边坐下的时候 知道对面的人会为我安排一切 这样就足够了 还可以对着他哭 要做一个好看的女子 并且相信海誓山盟
My ideal to love is that become a little daughter again Find out a man who looks like my father Hold on my hands when go across the road When sit down near the table Know the man who is in front of me will arrange everything for me That,s good enough Stll can cry to him I want to be a beautiful girl and trust to make a solemn pledge of eternal love